News you can use.

Sorry for the lack of postings of late. I am going through a triple whammy of trying to get ready for a trip, dealing with the day to day fun at work, and also starting an online class, which is going to cut into my time even more. However, it is this last item I… Continue reading News you can use.

Categorized as Job Hunt

It is so close to my current situation, it hurts.

As the totally screwed up merger continues:   While I was back in Shopping Mall, I learned what I long suspected, the little weasel who engineered this abomination had been hard at work over the past six months planting ideas with all the wrong people. This, after he lied to all of us and said he… Continue reading It is so close to my current situation, it hurts.

Where is Kent Brockman when you need him?

Well we met our new "team mates" yesterday. As I expected it, it did not go well:   It was an interesting exercise in surrealism. Our current boss was basically pre-empted by the GS-15 who seeks to enslave replace him. That issue has not been determined yet-but this guy acted like it had. Then he… Continue reading Where is Kent Brockman when you need him?

Buzzword Bingo

I came across this article the other day about the slide into jargon that the military and so many Amercian businesses have gotten into. I think Mr. Marr has a point. In the article below-he mentions the worst offenders. Several drinking games come to mind seeing this list. By Bernard Marr     I reckon… Continue reading Buzzword Bingo

Furlough Fun

Getting a 20% pay cut because of "that dystopian sack of monkey pus commonly known as The Ryan Budget, the economic plan without actual economics devised by Paul Ryan, the most recent First Runner-up in the American vice-presidential pageant and longtime zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin"? No pay raises for 4 years?… Continue reading Furlough Fun

Categorized as Job Hunt
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