Where is Kent Brockman when you need him?

Well we met our new "team mates" yesterday. As I expected it, it did not go well:


It was an interesting exercise in surrealism. Our current boss was basically pre-empted by the GS-15 who seeks to enslave replace him. That issue has not been determined yet-but this guy acted like it had.

Then he went into an instructive little missive of how he and one of our flags went to visit John Deere last year, and told how they brought in an outside firm to help them "reorganize". And because of that experience we should not 'fear change".. ( BTW nice to know that you can afford the travel money for such little ventures-this while we beg for the merest of scraps).

Oh really? When our HR is telling us it knows nothing about this event-and when it does happen, one of the specific goals is a reduction of billets? My office mate and I just looked at each other in sheer amazement.

But I digress-he told us that little story to justify why he is turning to a contractor, one that works directly for him and depends on his decisions for continued work on said contract to organize this merger. He was not in the least happy when it was pointed out to him ( and the contractor person), that doing that is a blatant conflict of interest.

Perhaps a call to the IG might help?

Seriously, John Deere? That company has nothing in common with the organizations we work for. Unless it's veiled imagery for putting us all out to pasture.

Just blow me now.

Probably the most bizarre thing about the whole exercise, is that he seems to think we don't know exactly what happened-when in fact, everyone in the room knows what has transpired and what is transpiring. I mean after all, he's not the only one who talks to flag officers. An outside look? Really?

No one is afraid of change. They do have a desire not to do things just for stupidity's sake, however and that is what the logic behind this is. I've been though that more than couple other times.

The future days, suck they shall.

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