Again, and again, and again…..the cycle never ends.

I had to wait a couple of days to write about the Uvalde slaughter of children and teachers. I had to wait because I was so angry. Angry that, again, we are going through the same set of senseless deaths. Angry that this happened while they were still burying victims from Buffalo’s mass shooting at… Continue reading Again, and again, and again…..the cycle never ends.

A rage worth having and expressing.

It certainly has been an unexpected first three months of the year so far. A senseless war in Ukraine with conservatives cheering on the wrong side for a great while, rising gas prices – while refusing to blame the robber barons of the oil companies, and the stock market getting schwacked by those two things… Continue reading A rage worth having and expressing.

The great resignation is not what the oligarchs think it is.

One of the things that led me away from the Republican party forever was its descent into madness – punctuated by a fiendish adaptation of cruelty and selfishness. What I could not abide, as one who actually has made a study of economics, is the way they blithely dismissed the steps of economic progress the… Continue reading The great resignation is not what the oligarchs think it is.

Stupidity on Parade

At what point does typical American selfishness become callous and premeditated negligence? That’s the question the New Yorker posed last month when it published one of its famous long articles on the struggle of the city council in Minot, North Dakota, to implement a commonsense precaution against COVID, a mask mandate. The article takes an… Continue reading Stupidity on Parade

You only see the turn…

Well, it’s Sunday. The first Sunday of the post Trump era. I can’t tell you what a relief for me it has been to know that the traitorous psychopath has been dispatched to the outer darkness of Mar el Lago. I have slept better since Wednesday than I have any night over the previous 4… Continue reading You only see the turn…

Uh, excuse me, this is what you said you wanted.

Remember in the run-up after the Gulf War, when the first big push for dropping the combat exclusion laws started and women said they “just wanted to be treated like the men”. It seems someone did not get the memo: Allegations that “sexually explicit humor” and the display of “pornographic images” were allowed — and sometimes encouraged… Continue reading Uh, excuse me, this is what you said you wanted.

Meanwhile, back at my work.

The most screwed up reorganization since AT&T split up, continues. The thought police have come home to roost and provide counseling. Guess who was one of the first ones called in to see them? This hits pretty close to home-since the personal dynamics of my workplace have changed dramatically and not for the better. Before,… Continue reading Meanwhile, back at my work.

Buzzword Bingo

I came across this article the other day about the slide into jargon that the military and so many Amercian businesses have gotten into. I think Mr. Marr has a point. In the article below-he mentions the worst offenders. Several drinking games come to mind seeing this list. By Bernard Marr     I reckon… Continue reading Buzzword Bingo

Christmas week.

An oldie but goody-is your Christmas shopping done? One of the things I have always marveled about, when it comes to the hymn Silent Night, is how many languages it has been translated into. In the spirit of Christmas, here is a cure little video of the song translated into Nihongo: And of course the… Continue reading Christmas week.

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