Music break……

Can you tell I’m in a wierd mood tonight? Probably because I’m so excited to be going international traveling again. I do miss it so…………. Another thing I miss: Megumi Hayashibara The song is called Brave Heart.

More adventures in baby sitting………………..

Another Saturday-another round in circling the shopping malls. I’m beginning to feel like they should just call it “Groundhog Weekend” here in sprawling Shopping Mall USA and get it over with. At least when I alighted from the Star Ferry, I was a man on a mission. And with luck ( or lack of it) … Continue reading More adventures in baby sitting………………..

Successful search….

For months now the S.O. and I despaired of ever finding decent Japanese food-or news of Hinomaru. However it turns out one of our neighbors is Korean ( married to an American Soldier-funny how that happens) and she gave us the name of an authentic Japanese restaurant. Her recommendation was not wrong. It was nice-we… Continue reading Successful search….

Sticking to my resolve……….

Even though Sarah Palin is lying her moose hunting ass off.………… I’d also point out for the benefit of those who love her -that I knew I was right when The Economist agrees with me: The Palin appointment is yet more proof of the way that abortion still distorts American politics. This is as true… Continue reading Sticking to my resolve……….

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