Or at least the supporters of the Syrians. The S.O. and I decided to go into Stuttgart yesterday. We went to the Mercedes Museum and the Landesmuseum of Baden Wurtemburg. The S.O. was not much of a fan of the Mercedes museum-it seems mega Euro sports cars are not her thing,
Continue readingMy manhood is quite fine-thank you very much.
For probably the fiftieth time-I have been accused of hating women, Seems we had a dissatisfied customer with my previous post. There is actually a serious counterpoint to be made to the rather disgruntled commenter-but I've got to make it at a later time this weekend. I've got some things
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That less than polite statement was one I heard during the middle of the 90’s from a fellow Navy person. His rather blunt point was that AFN- or any other military mouthpiece had to show a woman doing just about any military job; regardless of the actual demographics of that
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Japan elects its youngest woman mayor ever: Japan's youngest-ever female mayor, Naomi Koshi, has vowed to improve the lives of women in the country after winning the election in the city of Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. The 36-year-old former lawyer and Harvard graduate has revealed that a big inspiration for abandoning
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Where Newt Gingrich may have a chance to win in Florida:
Continue readingThe Dark Side of Apple…and Steve Jobs.
This weekend the New York Times ran an article about Apple and its production of I-phones overseas. Bottom Line Up Front? Steve Jobs could also be a real s**t when it came to his fellow countrymen: When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley’s top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked
Continue readingThey wrote a country music song about this…….
About women who are on the trashy side. Thanks to the miracle that is our Sky Satellite hook-up I get to watch such worthwhile and edifying entertainment such as, Snog, Marry, Avoid". I like the show -but the S.O. hates it. Snog Marry Avoid? is a British Reality show. It focuses
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Is the German word for "accident". Which is what we had last weekend while on the way into Garmisch Partenkirchen. One mile from our hotel to be exact. Dealing with this and work is why I haven't posted in the last few days. After a pretty drive through southern Germany,
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Be dumber than George W. Bush. But apparently Rick Perry has gone and accomplished it. By claiming that Turkey-a NATO ally- is run by "Islamic terrorists", Perry has really shown how ignorant of the world as it is-he really is: Governor Perry might want to notice that there are many
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This website will not be doing so-for reasons I will explain later on today. Its been a hectic and not so great couple of days for yours truly. However, here at Far East Cynic HQ-Deutschland, we firmly support all efforts to derail the SOPA Act, the Stop Online Piracy Act,
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