Far East Cynic

My manhood is quite fine-thank you very much.

For probably the fiftieth time-I have been accused of hating women, Seems we had a dissatisfied customer with my previous post. 

There is actually a serious counterpoint to be made to the rather disgruntled commenter-but I've got to make it at a later time this weekend. I've got some things to do right now:

Like drink one of these:


And then perhaps have a go with member of the Nihonjin set::


Oh-and here is a little reading material, to put the previous post in some context.

  1. Skippy,
    Someone got their panties in a bunch and it wasn't his daughter. You have your priorities right and Lehman's observations are spot on. I am certain the individual's daughter is an outstanding aviator, but she is just that, an aviator. To bring the gender in for publicity is demeaning to all aviators, let alone her. I too watched when women came into our ranks and got to walk around the 12' wall while some men struggled or failed and washed out. Other women chose to meet the same standards as their male counter parts and those I respect. Don't set quotas or make PAO releases for attention. Let their actions speak as they have for warriors for generations.

  2. as women climb over one of the last fences in the US military and begin to join the crew of select submarines this year, I am wondering how the assimilation will pan out. 

  3. It will go great-that has already been pre-determined. And if anyone speaks out to the contrary? Well we have already seen 1st amendment rights criminalized. They will continue to be.

  4. well, it has already been determined that no woman will go DINQ in sub quals anytime soon, but this isn't aviators – there are Safety of Ship issues, and what happens when some salty old Chief of the Boat refuses to blaze a qual board….