The price is not right.

It’s Golden Week in Japan. That succession of holidays strung together designed to encourage Japanese citizens to go somewhere and spend some of their hard-earned yen. In Japan, May 1st is not a holiday, but many people take it off, and to the rest of the civilized world is Labor Day. Of course, in the… Continue reading The price is not right.

Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

Playing Round 20 of that peculiarly American game, “Who lost Afghanistan?” Interestingly enough, there is one answer that is never allowed in this discussion. No one ever blames the Afghans themselves. As a result, it’s similar to the old game Americans used to play: “ Who lost Iraq?“ An interesting side note – these games… Continue reading Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

What if it is only the intermission?

And the second act is still waiting for the curtain to open, on a more hideous chapter of the play? Like many Americans, I was elated when it became clear that Donald Trump had lost the election. I’ve been writing about how dangerous he and his band of totalitarian wannabes have been since 2015. The… Continue reading What if it is only the intermission?

The future’s not bright, so you don’t gotta wear shades.

Actually, the future of the post COVID world is down right depressing. A lot of people are assuming that once everyone gets vaccinated and herd immunity is supposedly achieved the world will go back to normal. Except, that’s not what is going to happen. A “return to normalcy might have been possible if the United… Continue reading The future’s not bright, so you don’t gotta wear shades.

Everyone celebrates in their own way.

Well, here it is March again – that wonderful time of the year. And thus, today is International Women’s Day. Certainly, I celebrate women – or would – if the pandemic had not trashed a full year of Asian and Oceanic travel. Thailand and the Philippines are still non-starters for destinations. The S.O. can’t even… Continue reading Everyone celebrates in their own way.

You only see the turn…

Well, it’s Sunday. The first Sunday of the post Trump era. I can’t tell you what a relief for me it has been to know that the traitorous psychopath has been dispatched to the outer darkness of Mar el Lago. I have slept better since Wednesday than I have any night over the previous 4… Continue reading You only see the turn…

Nothing becomes his Presidency, such as the leaving of it.

Today is President Shitgibbon’s last full day in office. He is expected to pardon over 100 miscreants, liars, cheats, and various other criminals who are reflected in his horrible existence. In the last 48 hours, he has continued to do his level best to lay landmines and other booby traps to sabotage any chance of… Continue reading Nothing becomes his Presidency, such as the leaving of it.

October 25th comes to us again

As was my early custom, I am reposting this post that I first wrote in 2005. Given the current state of events in both the US and the current administration’s stated willingness to sacrifice American lives for their own vanity – it’s a very appropriate commentary on 2020. Background: “The war is popular beyond belief.”… Continue reading October 25th comes to us again

Nothing short of a crime.

Amidst all of the recent political news in the United States, a few Navy related headlines from defense trade papers may have escaped your attention. However, you really should pay attention to them. Your Navy, MY Navy, for which I gave decades of service, is being ground into the dirt. For me, the recognition of… Continue reading Nothing short of a crime.

So here we are again. Going through the motions, but making no real progress.

So here we are again. It’s been 19 years since that fateful day in September of 2001.  I remember exactly where I was that day. I had been out and about and had just returned to the BOQ where I was living then. The S.O. called me and told me the World Trade Center had… Continue reading So here we are again. Going through the motions, but making no real progress.

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