Will the Navy learn the lessons it needs to?

Despite all the blowback from folks in certain circles and the continued whining of the surgeaholics, I remain firm in my conviction that getting the hell out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do. Most of the objections to the policy decision have no factual basis anyways – and very much continue to ignore… Continue reading Will the Navy learn the lessons it needs to?

Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

Playing Round 20 of that peculiarly American game, “Who lost Afghanistan?” Interestingly enough, there is one answer that is never allowed in this discussion. No one ever blames the Afghans themselves. As a result, it’s similar to the old game Americans used to play: “ Who lost Iraq?“ An interesting side note – these games… Continue reading Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

If he is going to lie he ought to at least be convincing about it.

I have watched in depressed horror all the flare ups of violence across the country tonight and it makes me glad I am not in the continental US right now. Tomorrow I will put up a post on the subject – advancing what some may think is a controversial theory. However, today, I wanted to… Continue reading If he is going to lie he ought to at least be convincing about it.

Not understanding the target audience

In the movie, Thank You for Smoking, the lead character (Nick Naylor) takes his son (Joey Naylor) with him on a business trip to Los Angeles. Out for a night in Santa Monica, Joey asks his dad about his job as a lobbyist for Big Tobacco. In the course of this conversation, Nick reveals to… Continue reading Not understanding the target audience

The invisible hand kills people

Besides all the other things that are at stake in this current Presidential election; trivial things like the survival of the United States as a democracy and survival of a free press, is also trying to put a nail in the coffin of those folks who believe that the “market solves all things” and regulation… Continue reading The invisible hand kills people

Why didn’t I think of that?

Those crafty bastards on the mainland may be on to something: SHANGHAI: Chinese couples are flocking to divorce to evade a new tax on home sales after the government cracked down on property speculation, the Shanghai Daily newspaper reported Wednesday. China's central government last Friday issued rules to rein in house prices, including a nationwide… Continue reading Why didn’t I think of that?

Time to put the Kanji to bed?

Dialect: A language without an Army to back it up.  It’s that time of year again. Every year around this time the Japan Association of Kanji Aptitude Test  announces the kanji of the year. The announcement is made in Kyoto at the famous Kiyomizu-dera temple through a priest who writes the chosen kanji on a… Continue reading Time to put the Kanji to bed?

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