Will the Navy learn the lessons it needs to?

Despite all the blowback from folks in certain circles and the continued whining of the surgeaholics, I remain firm in my conviction that getting the hell out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do. Most of the objections to the policy decision have no factual basis anyways – and very much continue to ignore… Continue reading Will the Navy learn the lessons it needs to?

The overall strategic situation has not changed. And tactical setbacks should not change the overall long-term aim.

The amount of intellectual dishonesty by suregeaholics and others is disturbing, to say the least. And the tragic events that occurred on Thursday morning are sad and will be so for a long time. However, probably the most frustrating thing of the last couple of days is to see how quickly a convenient, yet totally… Continue reading The overall strategic situation has not changed. And tactical setbacks should not change the overall long-term aim.

So here we are again. Going through the motions, but making no real progress.

So here we are again. It’s been 19 years since that fateful day in September of 2001.  I remember exactly where I was that day. I had been out and about and had just returned to the BOQ where I was living then. The S.O. called me and told me the World Trade Center had… Continue reading So here we are again. Going through the motions, but making no real progress.

Not happy with the monster they created.

Or sometimes, a horse just deserves a beating. A vile and rather disturbing comment deserves a response. It is kind of funny to hear the responses from all the so-called “principled conservatives” today, who continue, even when it has been proven to be a falsehood, to believe that there was some sort of a difference… Continue reading Not happy with the monster they created.

Never placing the blame where it belongs……..

Over at another blog, there is yet another tired old rendition of the refrain, “The surge worked-and Obama pissed it all away.”  It’s a tiresome song that gets played over and over again, and the usual suspects will shout, “hear, hear.” Now I do understand it. I do recognize that a lot of people believe it.… Continue reading Never placing the blame where it belongs……..

TV worth watching.

It took the S.O. and I a long time to get Internet connectivity to the house, besides our cell phones and a stick for the computer. While I was away, it was installed-but our bandwidth is severely limited due to the lack of fiber (and cable) to our little village. So we get a whopping… Continue reading TV worth watching.

More data to hit morons over the head with.

Tomorrow night I plan on getting really loaded after I go to Hebrew class. I should have been on a plane to Tel Aviv tomorrow-there to look at nice Israeli women with big knockers and drink Goldstar beer, but thanks to the lunacy known as the sequester-and the impending layoff I am expecting to receive because… Continue reading More data to hit morons over the head with.

In defense of Newt Gingrich…..

This post is dedidcated to commenter Stu. What does it say about today’s Republican party that a Presidential candidate cannot state the truth about Paul Ryan’s budget plan without immediately being pummeled into submission? Here’s what Gingrich said:  I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering.  I don’t think… Continue reading In defense of Newt Gingrich…..

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