The fuse for this disaster was lit a dozen years ago.

If you are an American and watched what happened at the Capitol today – and are not outraged – then you are a defective person. And probably have been for a long time. Soonergrunt, long time commenter at Balloon-Juice, summed up these thoughts of mine very well. The list of those folks who need to… Continue reading The fuse for this disaster was lit a dozen years ago.

And so, once again we are standing at the abyss……..

I wrote this post 4 years ago on the eve of the election. It’s truly frightening that we are here again. Nothing has really changed- and it’s worth re-reading. That’s where the land of my birth is today. Remember this scene from the end of the movie, Wall Street? That’s a great thought for 2016… Continue reading And so, once again we are standing at the abyss……..

It’s broken all right – they don’t even try to pretend anymore.

Hopefully, you had a chance to read my latest post before this one about how the major machinery of our US government is broken. If you have not, please go here first, then come back and read this post. I’ll wait. Today in the sham that is passing for Senatorial due diligence came a solitary… Continue reading It’s broken all right – they don’t even try to pretend anymore.

If he is going to lie he ought to at least be convincing about it.

I have watched in depressed horror all the flare ups of violence across the country tonight and it makes me glad I am not in the continental US right now. Tomorrow I will put up a post on the subject – advancing what some may think is a controversial theory. However, today, I wanted to… Continue reading If he is going to lie he ought to at least be convincing about it.

Missing the point of the sacrifice

This one picture pretty much sums up the state of America today. And it’s more than just a touch ironic coming as it does on Memorial Day weekend when we are supposed to be honoring the sacrifice of those who died to make America “free”. In case you were asleep or in Ozarks Missouri this… Continue reading Missing the point of the sacrifice

The cracks were always there – maybe the building needs to collapse.

The new wingnut narrative is coalescing. Since the “let them drink Lysol” narrative did not work, they are going to a new multi-pronged attack: 1) The governors are stifling pent up demand. The economy is ready to come back if it were not for this pesky emphasis on saving lives and protecting doctors and nurses.… Continue reading The cracks were always there – maybe the building needs to collapse.

The story behind the story

Grocery store workers from area retailers including Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Stop & Shop, and Shaw's, gathered with a small group of supporters to protest against what they say is unfair and unsafe treatment of grocery store workers during the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic outside of the Ink Block Whole Foods grocery store in Boston, Massachusetts, on Tue., April 7, 2020. The demonstrators asked for time-and-a-half hazard pay; personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks and gloves; and paid sick leave. Grocery store workers have been deemed essential employees in Massachusetts and many other states during so-called shelter-in-place orders.

In zombie movies, the zombies somehow rise up out of the graves and go menacing the population turning them into zombies. I never watched too many zombie movies truth be told. Until now that is: Of course, the difference between zombie movies and real life is, the zombie movies did not have a “news” network… Continue reading The story behind the story

And so it begins

The rampant plunge into teabagger inspired stupidity. Not 48 hours after founding member of the Liars Club and all around shitbag, John Hinderaker, published a hit piece of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer attacking her and other governors for actually trying to, you know, save lives – the Astroturfing began in Kentucky, Michigan, and in other places.… Continue reading And so it begins

Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

Some days you just have to shake your head and cry. “So, what’s it going to take to contain this problem, guys?“ “Go talk to the crew and insult them and tell them that looking good in DC is more important than their lives – that oughta do it!“ I’ll have a post with more… Continue reading Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

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