Waving the bloody shirt.

On Twitter a couple of days ago, a brilliant guy named David Neiwert published a long Twitter thread on the tactic that conservatives and their deranged followers have used to discredit valid criticism of the atrocities they turn a blind eye to. The tactic is known as “waving the bloody shirt.” It’s a phrase that… Continue reading Waving the bloody shirt.

The first step

Is admitting you are powerless over Twitter. As an extra added bonus – Google Play is not offering Parler on their app stores, and Apple is strongly considering it. Man, it must suck to incite a riot against your own country and have it blow up in your face. And yesterday came the final blow:… Continue reading The first step

The fuse for this disaster was lit a dozen years ago.

If you are an American and watched what happened at the Capitol today – and are not outraged – then you are a defective person. And probably have been for a long time. Soonergrunt, long time commenter at Balloon-Juice, summed up these thoughts of mine very well. The list of those folks who need to… Continue reading The fuse for this disaster was lit a dozen years ago.

There can be no redemption for this.

A worthless man, you know very little about, achieved his long-stated goal of destroying the United States tonight. That man is Leonard Leo, former head of the Federalist Society: Leonard Leo is on the brink of achieving the goal he has been working toward for decades: a lasting conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court. Almost comically shadowy… Continue reading There can be no redemption for this.

Catching up.

What with the move and all there has been a lot going on. The travails of getting ready for the move kept me from commenting on some of the really stupid things that have happened in the last month. So this will be a post aimed at catching up-if only just for a bit. ———————————————————————————————————… Continue reading Catching up.

Not understanding the meaning of the word, “satire”.

I must admit, I am taking enormous pleasure at the conservative freak out over both Seth McFarland's hosting of the Oscars-and the appearance of Michelle Obama therein. It is indeed laughable-because it shows what prudish jerks, a certain segment of American society is. For starters-Family Guy is great. Its funny, edgy and a great satiric… Continue reading Not understanding the meaning of the word, “satire”.

No comments required or desired.

I submit to you two quotes that help express my outrage at what happened in Connecticut today.   "Guns don't attack children; psychopaths and sadists do. But guns uniquely allow a psychopath to wreak death and devastation on such a large scale so quickly and easily. America is the only country in which this happens… Continue reading No comments required or desired.

Breitbart still sucks

Charles Johnson has observed on several occasions that while the late, not so dearly departed, Andrew Breitbart was well and truly one of the United States’ biggest morons-the children who write in his stead can top it.   Sure enough, Breitbrat Ben Shapiro’s moronic attack on President Obama’s Thanksgiving address was rapidly picked up by the rest… Continue reading Breitbart still sucks

The Liars Club

Is that group of increasingly reprehensible bloggers who make up the "professional right wing blogosphere". (Membership names listed below).  Besides the fact that they generally have their facts wrong-they are just about universally a group of douchbags loathsome group of people to be around. Their blogs are essentially interchangeable, fact free-and in general-poorly written and… Continue reading The Liars Club

Dear Mr. Murrow…..

We humbly apologize for what the stupidity of the average American, the greed of the companies that have bought our networks, and the relentless pace of technology ( especially with respect to video editing) has done to your once noble profession.–Skippy-san. There are two pieces of reporting on journalism that you should take the time… Continue reading Dear Mr. Murrow…..

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