One thing I absolutely do not regret.

I am approaching what could best be described as the contemplative stage of life. Savoring the adventures and the victories, dryly musing about the things I should have done differently – or should not have done at all. Regrets? I have a few. However, I will never regret wire brushing supporters of the tea party… Continue reading One thing I absolutely do not regret.

The rot, it runs deep.

Today I saw something that made me truly despair for the future of this country. 124 former flag officers, several of whom I used to respect, had the unmitigated gall to put their names to a piece of shit, rather traitorous, letter. One of the signatories is a former flag officer in the VAW… Continue reading The rot, it runs deep.

The price is not right.

It’s Golden Week in Japan. That succession of holidays strung together designed to encourage Japanese citizens to go somewhere and spend some of their hard-earned yen. In Japan, May 1st is not a holiday, but many people take it off, and to the rest of the civilized world is Labor Day. Of course, in the… Continue reading The price is not right.

Be careful what you wish for….

For you may surely get it. This morning, on my way into work, I heard a story on NPR about the Congressional effort by Kirsten Gillibrand to pass legislation to take the power of prosecuting sexual assault cases in the military out of the hands of Court Martial Convening authorities and place them in the… Continue reading Be careful what you wish for….

The current era, summed up succinctly.

Being the trendy, social media maven that I am (sarcasm definitely intended), I’ve gotten up and running on Tik Tok. Besides being a wonderful way to give Donald Trump the finger in 2020 – it has been really fun to see how creative a lot of people around the world can be. And then there… Continue reading The current era, summed up succinctly.

Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

Playing Round 20 of that peculiarly American game, “Who lost Afghanistan?” Interestingly enough, there is one answer that is never allowed in this discussion. No one ever blames the Afghans themselves. As a result, it’s similar to the old game Americans used to play: “ Who lost Iraq?“ An interesting side note – these games… Continue reading Let’s hurry up and get it over with.

What if it is only the intermission?

And the second act is still waiting for the curtain to open, on a more hideous chapter of the play? Like many Americans, I was elated when it became clear that Donald Trump had lost the election. I’ve been writing about how dangerous he and his band of totalitarian wannabes have been since 2015. The… Continue reading What if it is only the intermission?

The future’s not bright, so you don’t gotta wear shades.

Actually, the future of the post COVID world is down right depressing. A lot of people are assuming that once everyone gets vaccinated and herd immunity is supposedly achieved the world will go back to normal. Except, that’s not what is going to happen. A “return to normalcy might have been possible if the United… Continue reading The future’s not bright, so you don’t gotta wear shades.

For the Red Hat-wearing crowd, words have never had any meaning.

It’s been over a month since I have posted. There are a lot of reasons for that. For one thing, it’s been a busy time for me personally, working some irregular hours and also doing looking for a new place to live. The other and more predominant reason is that I wanted to take some… Continue reading For the Red Hat-wearing crowd, words have never had any meaning.

Nothing becomes his Presidency, such as the leaving of it.

Today is President Shitgibbon’s last full day in office. He is expected to pardon over 100 miscreants, liars, cheats, and various other criminals who are reflected in his horrible existence. In the last 48 hours, he has continued to do his level best to lay landmines and other booby traps to sabotage any chance of… Continue reading Nothing becomes his Presidency, such as the leaving of it.

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