The S.O. dragged me to her doctor yesterday. It confirmed for me why I need to change doctors. First they found that this a bacterial infection of my sinuses. Thus my head feels like it is going to explode when I cough-which is a lot. (Much to the chagrin of
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For the term “Galtian Overlords”-which I was asked to define today. Now I would assume that anyone who has been around the last few years would understand the reference, but considering the state of decay of America’s educational system and our news outlets ( with a few great exceptions) may
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I have been very sick for the last few days. Coughing up a lung or two, and spending a lot more time on the porcelain than I care to. I’d be in bed right now-except the cough won’t let me sleep. Have been to the doctor twice-his advice of “it
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Yes, I remember exactly where I was that day. I had been out and about and had just returned to the BOQ where I was living then. The S.O. called me and told me the World Trade Center had been attacked. I thought there was a mistake in translation somewhere.
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Sitting in the lounge at Frankfurt, before boarding my flight back to DC fft Shopping Mall USA. Something will come to a head regarding my future situation next week, I am sure. Exactly how, I am not sure though. So I resigned to enjoy the good life before it comes
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My time here in Romania is almost done. I doubt I will be coming back here again. Its been three good trips here-I have most seen the mountains and Bucharest, not near all the country has to offer. But enough. I’ve gotten to work and experience life in a European
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Well, it would appear the circus is now over. The former executive officer of the carrier Enterprise can remain on active duty despite a finding that his job performance aboard the carrier fell short of standards, a Navy board of inquiry decided Wednesday. Capt. Owen Honors was brought to the
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The lack of posting is not a good thing-but it cannot be helped. I have been on the go since I got here. Pix to follow from my trip to the mountains this weekend.
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Arrived in Bucharest/ The trip had good things to recommend it and bad things to forget. On the plus side , I got re-routed through Houston, since my flight to DC was not going to make it in time. (Weather and FAA delay). So I got put in Business Class
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Which means-that despite recent presonal economic news, life and work goes on. Accordingly, I will be getting on a plane today and flying the long three leg route back to Bucharest, there to work for a month, before moving on to (insert bleak future prospects here). Why not just tell
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