Far East Cynic

Down for the count.

The S.O. dragged me to her doctor yesterday. It confirmed for me why I need to change doctors. First they found that this a bacterial infection of my sinuses. Thus my head feels like it is going to explode when I cough-which is a lot. (Much to the chagrin of my co-workers). So after a battery of X-rays, blood tests and an thorough examination. I am now taking anti-biotics and sleeping a lot.

Problem is-it appears the S.O. is coming down with the same thing. Two of us sick at the same time is not a bright prospect to think about. Neither one of us is in shape to take care of the other.

This weekend ought to be fun.

So I will steer you to the rather scathing indictment of Rick Perry, my Canadian Counterpart penned a couple of days ago. Its great-analyzing in detail why Perry and his retarded followers are the really deluded people they are:

Modern Republicans aren’t conservatives: They’re liberals with even more inhuman priorities. They differ from Obama only in how they want to funnel the public lucre to Wall Street kleptocrats. The current president wants to directly subsidize the criminal cocksuckers, whereas idiots like Sarah Palin want to do it through the fucking tax code. Today’s welfare queens are wearing $3,000 Brooks Brothers suits. Or they’re farmers. But they’re all welfare queens, and the GOP wants to be their sugar daddy.

Which brings me to Rick Perry. Governor Perry might be the perfect Republican, full to the brim of what people imagine Ronald Reagan was, while remaining woefully ignorant of his actual record as both governor and president. Perry, like the overwhelming majority of modern Republicans, isn’t just at war with science, he doesn’t cotton well with math and history, either.

Rick is a Texan, who like most of his kind pretends to be more American than anyone else, all the while nurturing a healthy secession fetish that most reasonable people would consider treasonous. Your average balanced adult would recognize this as schitzophrenic, but, luckily for Perry, psychitary is a science, and science is something that Republican primary voters see as demonic and something that should be stuff in a well, if only they could find a well big enough.

The Governor has openly mused about seccession at least four times in the last two years, which has to be a post-Jefferson Davis record. I’ve read more than my share – and yours – about the life and career of George Wallace, and I can tell you that he never considered secession an option, even as he battled to preserve the evil of Jim Crow in Alabama. More importantly, despite running four times, Governor Wallace was never considered a frontrunner for his party’s presidential nomination.

He also has our tri-corner hat wearing “friends” described pretty well too-and in the process exposes the truth about what a thug Rick Perry really is:

What Republicans and Tea Partiers are too awesomely stupid or desperately dishonest to tell you is that the Ryan Plan basically does the same thing to Medicare, except that it limits coverage instead of expanding it. If anything, the Ryan plan is more inflationary to coverage costs than even ObamaCare is because the lack of an individual mandate doesn’t broaden the coverage pool and minimize the risk to insurers. Facts are annoying things, which is why simpletons like Rick Perry, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are so popular with the GOP’s fuckhead base. They simply make up their own facts and intellectual misfits celebrate them for it.

My reasons for hating Rick Perry are many for they are legion. Firstly, his public talk of secession makes him little more than a fiucking traitor who, in more honest times, would have been hanged. Second, I believe that he murdered an innocent man – Cameron Todd Willingham – and spent years covering it up, undermining my faith in the death penalty in the process. Third, he’s a creation of Karl Rove, and Rove has never elected a candidate that didn’t go on to destroy everything he touched. Fourth, Governor Perry actually personifies the Republican elevation of stupidity into a goddamned virtue. Palin and Bachmann are, if nothing else, highly fuckable, which can’t be said of Perry.

Not that it matters much. Rick Perry isn’t going to be the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney is. It’s Romney’s turn, and that’s just how the GOP has operated since the days of Eisenhower. If Romney doesn’t get the nod, he’d be the first runner-up from a previous cycle to not get the nomination since Bob Taft in 1952. The fact that Romney is a soulless whore of the Giuliani mold and destined to have his ass handed to him by Barack Obama is incidental.

In a lot of ways, that’s too bad. The Republican Party needs to flush this nonsense out of their systems with a Goldwater scale electoral blowout every so often. It brings them back to reality.

That’s not to say that Barry Goldwater would be a Tea Partier today. He was the furthest thing from it. He was for a small government across the board, including on moronic social issues that he mostly stayed the fuck away from because he understood that homosexuals are not the business of the federal government. He hated the Chritianist busybody motherfuckers that embody the Tea Party with a fury that no subsequent Republican imagines even existing today.

And that is why I will continue to mock our Galtian Overlords at every opportunity. Now if you will excuse me-I have to go barf up a lung.

  1. You should be able to barf up at least 4 lungs after that loser screed. Personally, I don’t know how I can touch a keyboard and write about politics from time to time without always referring to those that disagree with me as retards, etc. That seems to me to be a knack only liberals and progressives have mastered.

    As long as you’re coughing, shoot for 5 lungs.

  2. I stopped reading the paste after the first four words. That bullet point is his opinion and he writes like it’s a fact. Who cares what a canook(sic) thinks.

    I’m conservative first then a Republican!

    Do you think Obama care will pay for a second look by a differant doctor?

  3. Do you think Obama care will pay for a second look by a differant doctor?

    You already paid for it-and will continue to pay for it by virtue of the fact that I spent 29 years in the service of the state. Unless a heartless bastard like Paul Ryan, decides to fuck over veterans as well as old people. And I already paid for it through my health insurance premiums. There is nothing in Obamacare that would prevent that-you would know that if you understood the bill as well as I do.

    I think you both are missing the point entirely. The assertions he makes are quite provable by other means-all one has to do is take the time to research it. That’s a trait definitely lacking in today’s conservatives who would rather celebrate sloth and ignorance-then to look at the facts of the world the way it is.

    Furthermore, you should care what a Canadian thinks because they are representative what the world in general thinks-that Americans are spoiled, greedy selfish pigs. We are doing nothing to disprove that notion.

    I’ve had it with that point of view and the arrogance that goes with it. Get this point down cold. Conservative politics as practiced in this country today are dangerous. These people are 100% wrong and the people who support their positions are stupid fools. The problem is facts will not change their wrongheaded point of view, neither will convincing argument. Only when they are made to experience some real consequences for their wrong headed thinking-will they make the changes needed and come back to what the GOP used to be, and is no longer.

    Therefore I will continue to call these people the miscreants that they are-and a dipshit like Perry is everything that is wrong with them in one package. In a proper world, he would have had the stuffing beatend out of him. We unfortunately do not live in proper world-we live in a country that has gone insane.


    I am that angry. And its going to take a lot to quell that anger.

  4. My 87 year old mother just spent 3 days in the hospital and at home care..so far the bill is $120,000(no operation)
    and counting. She has Medicare and Tricare..(Dad, now deceased spent 30 plus years in the Army Reserve) and as mush as I love BOTH, no way did they “pay” for the health care that she now receives and no way do we “pay”, us old farts, for SS, that we will receive in our lifetime.
    They contributed as required.
    The ‘young” pay for us and thats just a financial fact and not a political POV.
    By the way, thank Yaweh that Mom does have Tri-care.
    Polling data indicates that the people have a 70% disapproval rating for BOTH parties.
    We are fed up.
    Bloomberg says there will be riots…
    Hope you and the SO get better.
    Go Phils….

  5. Damn, you might pop a gasket, take a shot and a beer and calm down.

    BTW- Obama care has not kicked in yet. Take advantage of that good plan while you still can!

  6. Fuck Canadians! Loser fuckers haven’t done anything or contributed to civilization since 1953. I still laugh out loud when I recall their stupid debacle of returning all that was left of their combat power from Kosovo on a chartered American ship whose owners had been stiffed by the Canadian company that chartered them and refused to deliver the cargo [brigade set] until their company had been fully reimbursed by the company or Canada. Canadian frigates dispatched to the scene in mid-Atlantic and they were ignored. Boarding officers allowed onboard and then held in contempt.

    You realize that the world now consists mostly of Hugo Chavez and Castro types right? Why in the world would I give a toss what Pakistanis or muslims or any of their fellow travelers care about America? Tell me you and you sickophant in Canada think that this civilization can be/make friends with them? I sure as hell don’t care what any breathing thing in Africa feels about America. Ditto for China and the USSR.

  7. Well Curtis-you probably should. Because, like it or not, these folks are in many ways going to steal jobs from your daughter and compete with this country for selling a finite quantity of goods. They don’t have to defeat us on a battlefield-all they have to do is undersell us. The resource distribution of the world is no longer in our favor-and that’s not changing anytime soon.

    For the record, I don’t believe that the world is full of Castro’s or Chavez’s. For the most part its full of people who want a better living for themselves and think that America has for too long taken and taken-without allow others to be partners in that success. The US on the other hand has behaved like a fool-believing that all we have to do is say something to make it so. This has been amplified by the creation of the teabag movement-with its war ons science and inability to either understand or accept the truth.

  8. Seriously? You think that?

    Arabs sell a commodity the whole world needs. Oil. They don’t make it, refine it or make it better. Like the rest of the 3rd world they sell raw materials at the going rate on the world market.

    Americans they have an idea. They invent it, produce it and then outsource mass production to the world. Apple would be a strong case in point but so are chip makers, software, etc.

    Americans have cornered the market to date on coming up with product and then outsourcing it because certain fools have made it ridiculously unprofitable to make it here so while their are fewer jobs in America due to the government, the ones with ideas are making money hand over fist by leveraging comparative advantage which is the simple basic of economics. I’ll weep for America when Boeing decides enough with the NLRB and decides to build a factory to produce Dreamliners in China or SKOR.

    Josie is very smart. I’ll talk to her mom and see if she can’t study Chinese when she gets to middle school.

    America has the spark of invention that is missing from the rest of the world because we attract and train the best. We don’t need Rhodes Scholarships to get the world’s best and brightest into our universities. They want to come here. Often, they stay and marry and have smart kids who grow up and invent. Too often that leaves us with 400 ideas for the best and safest and most efficient nuclear reactor power facility in the world which will never be built here thanks to socialists and their fellow travelers.

  9. Curtis, the facts don’t lie. The America you are talking about hasn’t existed for twenty years.45% of our income now comes from the production of nothing-but from finance sectors. And the myth that American labor law has made it unprofitable to produce here seems to be belied by the recent profit margins of some major American corporations. ( If out haven’t bought Ford stock you should-it made a profit the last two years running).

    Boeing-the company supposedly being hampered by the idea of paying its employees a decent wage-made 3.3 billion in profit in 2010. Its not exactly going to the poor house either. And the examples can be repeated 100 times over.

    As for colleges-we attract those fortunate enough to be able to get student Visa’s. But we are not attracting the best anymore-otherwise our academic records would be better. And I would also point you to a fact among the Diaspora of various nations here-the poor economy coupled with family pressures are driving a lot of them back to India, Singapore, Malaysia etc.

  10. In honesty, I don’t think that Americans are “spoiled, greedy selfish pigs” and never suggested anything like it. I, like Garry Shandling, do happen to think that you’re a nation of Charlie Sheen; broke, delusional and living in the past. But that’s a matter of quantifiable fact.

    And if people like Curtis don’t like things like oil and fresh water, that’s cool. I’ve wanted Canada to withdraw from NAFTA for about five years and sell those things on the open, free market, free of the guarantees of supplying America first. That could turn us quite the profit and perhaps not tie us too tightly to a sinking financial ship.

    The way I see it, you’ve got about five years to get your shit together, and I’ve seen no evidence that anyone – not Barack Obama, Rick Perry or Paul Ryan – is serious about it. You can deal with that or not. All of the available evidence indicates that you won’t. And for the record, you really don’t have many jobs left to steal, so don’t flatter yourselves.

    I also agree with Curtis that Canada shouldn’t participate in any American military missions. That’s not because I’m a pacifist, it’s because your recent track record isn’t all that fucking great. I’ve gotten really tired of asking our boys, girls and, yes, even homos, to die for missions that Washington is too lazy and goddamned stupid to even define. I supported the war in Iraq at the time, and wished that my country participated. I was wrong.

    Having said all of that, Skippy-san is … selective in his blockquotes. As much as I appreciate his support, he does tend to leave out most of my criticism of the president, liberalism generally, and my strong support for third-party or independent options.

    I would also never demand that anyone listen to the opinions of Canadians on much of anything. For the most part, we’re as dumb as you are. That’s hardly my place. But when Canadians know your history – and especially your party’s history, better than you do, you might take note.

    Although, since your government has been living off of borrowed money for nearly 80 years, you might soon find that the opinions of foreigners matter a great deal to you. We’ll see when your next ridiculous debt ceiling debate comes around, and what that does to the international bond market.