Why couldn’t I have thought about this? ( Click to enlarge).
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Jaime Escalante: You only see the turn, you don’t see the road ahead.(From the movie-Stand and Deliver). That quote is racing around my head these last few days, repeatedly. I am remembering the graphically the scene in the movie where Escalante and one of his students are at a “Y”
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As an extra added bonus-after completing a 4-5 year sea tour, the Navy will send some of you to an IA in ( pick the hell hole of your choice): The Navy announced this week that more than 60,000 sailors will be required to spend more time on sea duty.
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Over the last couple of days I have been witness to one of those continuing conversations that can only occur in the one dimensional space that is the internet. You know the kind-that actually go back and forth reasonably well-until the zealot shows up. The zealot of course being that
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Well, the march of time continues to rush forward. I have to give my company a summary of my course of action tomorrow-so that they can do the things they need to do. Like my immediate coughing prognosis, the course I have decided upon looks cautiously optimistic, but still very
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Tiger Woods takes on three Japanese women at once! ( As only Tiger Woods of late can). How embarrassing will it be if he gets his ass kicked? Tiger Woods, who barely qualified for his own charity tournament, has announced that he will compete in a charity golf event in
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The doctor saw me last Thursday. And I saw her. ( I have now formally abandoned my previous doctor-for reasons I will soon explain). The S.O. dragged me to her doctor-after three days where I was not getting better, just coughing and coughing-so hard I ended up on the floor,
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Paul Ryan as CEO of a major multi-national corporation:
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Splits Romania into two distinct regions. North and West of them-you are in Transylvania. Go South and East or West-you are in a flat region that resembles Kansas. But in the moutains-one can forget the noisy bustle of Bucharest, and also the heat of that city. Thus when I went
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One of my favorite pictures of the S.O. Can you guess where it was taken?
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