Far East Cynic

Another really good deal.

As an extra added bonus-after completing a 4-5 year sea tour, the Navy will send some of you to an IA in  ( pick the hell hole of your choice):

The Navy announced this week that more than 60,000 sailors will be required to spend more time on sea duty.

“Since 2008, the number of sea duty billets has increased, while the number of shore duty billets has decreased,” Capt. Michael White, Navy Personnel Command assistant commander for Career Management, said in a news release.

The change affects 36 ratings, with the sea time being increased from anywhere between six months and two years. Those scheduled to rotate to a new duty station before March 2012 will not have their projected rotation date adjusted, according to the release.

Additionally, there are now 18 job ratings categorized as “sea intensive,” meaning sailors in those jobs can expect to spend more than one-half of their career on sea duty, the Navy said.

For the NAVADMIN that lists affected ratings go here.

I guess getting rid of 14,500 IA’s to free up people for sea duty was just too hard for today.

  1. Skippy,
    This is just a way for the Navy to regain it’s “swagger” that has been lost by you Naval Aviators as Lehman had written. Why let Sailors who have been out at sea, pulling into various ports and not going to the girlie bars but going out to build schools and orphanages and other COMREL projects, spend a little time at home or in shore duty. Once they finish a sea tour, now they will be able to go an IA where they can learn to conduct “sustained operations” instead of being taught to “win a war.”

    Glad I am out, hate to see a great organization get shredded the way it is going now.

  2. A couple of months ago, ADM Harvey told folks up in Groton that he was going to get the Active duty folks out of the IA business in the next two years. No comment about us reservists.

    Like my MM1 always used to say, “Sailors go on ships, and ships go to sea.”

  3. Skippy, give a landlubber an idea of what a day in the life of Skippy san was like when he was a sailor.

  4. Doublespeak from the Leadership again on manning levels. Just a few months ago the Five-sided wind tunnel admitted that “minimumal manning” was kiling us, they have admited that InSurv boards are killing the ships due to shoddy maintenance and they are still looking at killing morale by keeping sailors deployed away from home for those that chose not to either become recuriters or go and teach at an A/C/FASO school (of which there are only so many billets). Something is drastically wrong with this when the shore duty billets for the enlisted are being eaten by contractors (many of whom are over paid for the shoddy jobs they are doing) and all sailors are knowing is that they aren’t entitled to have the same privilages of marriage and home life as some of thier civilian counterpoints. Oh and by the way we find ourselves still some how overmanned so we are going to start cutting more and more sailors from the fleet via various Reduction in Force programs.

    Dear lord, please forgive them for they do not know what they do.