Far East Cynic

Getting by-

Well, the march of time continues to rush forward. I have to give my company a summary of my course of action tomorrow-so that they can do the things they need to do. Like  my immediate coughing prognosis, the course I have decided upon looks cautiously optimistic, but still very much uncertain. I will only believe its true-when it has come to pass.

As for my physical condition, I am doing somewhat better. I have less coughing spells, but when they do happen-they still can be utterly frightening. The good news is that I am getting through the nights now with only one instance of feeling like I am being water-boarded. This is in contrast to the four or so when this started. I finish my antibiotics today, and will consult with the doctor this week as to whether more are required. I went Thursday and completed a baseline physical to establish my self as a new patient. There is something to be said for the smaller size of women’s fingers. ;-).

I must be sick. I have not had a drop of alcohol in over two weeks. I don’t feel like having any either. That sucks.

I had a quite a scare yesterday. A hard fit came over me at breakfast-so much so that I went down for the count sending Frosted Flakes and milk flying. Scared the hell out of both me and the S.O. since then-I have taken to trying to eat like an old man, eating very slowly and not talking while eating. Damned unsociable-but it appears to work.  Twenty years of shipboard eating habits are hard to undo in a week however. ( Those who know-know. Brief finished-and eat in 15 minutes prior to manup). I could not do that today-if my life depended on it. ( Actually I feel like my life depends on doing the opposite).

Work-wise, I keep feeling like things are going to come along and blow up in my face-but I don’t know why. Particularly because I think I have a path forward, and it seems a good one. There are some challenges in executing it-but nothing that can’t be overcome with a little diligence. ( and improved health).

I am nursing a fair amount of stress right now-and also a LARGE amount of anger at the miserable creatures who created this position for me. The lies that have been told to justify what they have done to so many people are numerous. The sad part is, they appear not to care about the damage done. Nothing will change here till the man at the top is gone.  However-committing to a course of action seems to have settled me down a bit. Still about ten unknowns, however, that have to fall into place. Until they do-its not a done deal.

If you want some insight to the contracting strategy used by the worst agency in the Federal Government, look here for yourself:


But on the plus side-the weather is nice, I’ve got food in the pantry-and hope for the future. A lot of people in this world don’t have those things. So I will count myself as a lucky man.

  1. Great to have that bit of optimism. I nearly fell into the depression trap a couple of weeks ago. And then suddenly everything fell into place by itself. So keep your heads up, stay cheerful and the sickness will go away~

  2. What antibiotic did the doctor prescribe? name and dose please— a friend’s son is suspected to have pertussis and we’re curious about antibiotic proscribed.