For the life of me, I do not understand those folks, like me who are retired from the military, who complain about having to choose their clothes each day. I love it-well most of it anyway. I especially love the fact that I can pack lighter for business trips now-than
Continue readingMaking the circuit……
Of the Yamanote Line: What’s really sad, I’ve been to every station on the line at one point or another. I dated a girl from Nishi Nippori (date being a rather lose term) for a couple of months. Sigh
Continue readingWhy the 12 hour rule was invented……
In aviation they have a rule known as “twelve hours bottle to throttle”. The later versions of 3710- “the bible of Naval Aviation” made the commandment twelve hours bottle to brief. Here is why: Friends don’t let friends broadcast drunk! Judging from the video tape-I’d say Anderson was at Stage
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Watching the discussion over at USNI Blog, I have decided to start a blog about personnel issues within the services. There are plenty of blogs that talk about what is going wrong with the Navy from a material standpoint, aside from the Military Coalition web sites, I’m not so sure
Continue readingEnd of the world as they know it?
The world of Microsoft that is. Damn! I’ll hate it when I have to buy that MAC…………….
Continue readingPlacing the blame where it belongs…
I never knew about this connection to the Illinois Senate Race. Makes you really hate Republicans doesn’t it? The next time you hear some disgruntled Republican grumbling about Obama-remind him of this. He gets in trouble for doing her? What was in the records should surprise no one. It was
Continue readingFoot in mouth disease….
This is what happens when you savage the folks in Shopping Mall USA: You get the mayor to dump all over you. This is Huntsville’s main east/west road. Huntsville missed out on I-65 when the interstates were laid out in the 1950’s,because Decatur was larger at the time. The town
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To remind me of what I am missing, while I spend each day in one of the dullest cities in the world! However, Spike channeled Friedman to remind again why I miss Asia. It actually started well, on Kau Sai Chau, an island off Hong Kong, where I stood on
Continue readingNo football this weekend…..
Which gives me a whole week to rub it in to Mark that the Seahawks will be watching this on TV. Which is as it should be! Go Steelers!
Continue readingThe most important advisor in the Obama White House.
It’s not someone you would think of at first thought. Nixon grimaced at the mention of Watergate. “No. The Lord doesn’t get involved in this type of stuff. Dead Presidents coming to give advice to living Presidents is a program that John Adams started for James Buchanan. Adams was the
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