Far East Cynic

New project

Watching the discussion over at USNI Blog, I have decided to start a blog about personnel issues within the services. There are plenty of blogs that talk about what is going wrong with the Navy from a material standpoint, aside from the Military Coalition web sites, I’m not so sure there are in depth look at what the services are doing in terms of people policies.

Since whoever owns the domain controls content, I will establish this blog on a host that I can control. My hope is to get a broad group of visitors. Hope to have it up and running in about a week or so.

Comments or suggestions are welcome.

  1. From what I’ve seen previously, that’s a topic near and dear to your heart. I’d certainly be interested in reading. I don’t have much to say about active duty (yet), but I’ve got a fair amount of ranting to do about officer accessions programs, especially ROTC.

  2. Great idea! Go for it!

    If you get the blog up and running, I’d suggest letting Elaine Donnelly and her team at CMR know about it. This would be something she would be interested in.