A 133 Sailors don’t need to be in too much of a hurry to sew on the First Class Crow. Details here.
Continue readingAvoiding the Christmas rush……..
I’m going to start hating the new Supreme Court nominee now. Sitting here in the lounge in Dulles on the way back to Shopping Mall. I’ve been watching her on TV. There is something in the way she talks-something of a pompousness in the gait of her speech, that has set
Continue readingTo the Plains of Abraham and back….
I have known you as a gallant adversary. It is now my pleasure to make your acquaintance as a friend. And I yours, Monsieur La Marquis.-From the movie Last of the Mohicans…….. Uh, how’s that getting out flanked thing working out General? We made the circuit up to Quebec City
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Or whatever it is one says in French. The S.O. and I arrived here in one piece-no worse the wear for having to traverse America’s worst airport (IMHO) Dulles International. We arrived in Montreal via a route of flight that brought us right over the city and we could see
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Looking for….Something. Have not had the time, energy or wherewithal to blog the last couple of days. Actually that’s not a 100% true-I could have blogged, but truth be told, I-JUST-DID-NOT-FEEL-LIKE-IT. Not sure why. Because there certainly was a heck of a lot of stupidity that deserved to be commented
Continue readingA monday melody…..
Some good music to get quietly drunk and morose by-while looking at pictures of the “good old days”: This is a video by Chitose Hajime-and its one of my Japanese favorites. This was the theme song to the NHK Asa Dora ( Morining Drama) “Sakura” in 2003. I used to
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Faith is, at one and the same time, absolutely necessary and altogether impossible.-Stanislaw Lem. I woke up early this morning and decided to go to the 7 AM Mass-the one I like to refer to as the “golfer’s mass”. ( Which isn’t really true-dedicated golfers either worship at our holy
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There has been a lot of coverage of the Colgan 3407 mishap. I’ve watched it very closely because, living here in Shopping Mall, we are very much at the mercy of the commuter airlines. Unless you want to drive up to Nashville or over to Atlanta and those options are
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At the 2009 Japan Miss Universe pageant. Speaking of good looking women on display, here is an HD of the pageant showing the winner-Emily Miyasaka. (The Miss Universe site writes her name in English as “Emily,” but the kanji for her name is actually read “Emiri.” On her official blog,
Continue readingTea Party time in Canberra?
Could be-for Expat at Large. He knows better than to have one in Singapore-call the President there a socialist and you get to have a room without a view at Changi Prison. Besides, its all the damn Prime Minister’s fault: E@L’s days as a beer-slurping, overly-lush-golf-course playing, high-cash-flow, tax-dodging, Philippino-village-supporting,
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