Far East Cynic

A monday melody…..

Some good music to get quietly drunk and morose by-while looking at pictures of the “good old days”:


This is a video by Chitose Hajime-and its one of my Japanese favorites. This was the theme song to the NHK Asa Dora ( Morining Drama) “Sakura” in 2003. I used to watch it with the S.O. from time to time-or watch it on my own at work. I think she has a wonderful voice and the song is very beautiful-and haunting in its own way. Enjoy:

  1. http://www.youtube,com/watch?v=5R9lulu9kas is a group that you might be familiar with in Japan called CSJH or The Grace. They are Korean but evidently made their fame and fortune in Japan. The first minute of this song is an old Elvis standby and I don’t know why but I still get a kick out of Koreans speaking english reasonably well. Or in this case, singing, though one of the members was born in the states.