The person who wrote this must know how it feels to work for the place I work with. This is a gem that you should send to your friends. KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 24 (UPI) — Throughout my career I have been known to walk that fine line between good taste
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The last of America’s combat forces are out of Iraq. So there are usual suspects lining up to congratulate the United States on its “victory” in Iraq. There is only one problem with that line of thinking-the only winners in the Iraq war were China and Iran. China-because it got
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That would appear to be what all Presidents seem to do-from Bush to Obama and even back to Eisenhower. Andrew Bacevich has a new article out about how Presidential wisdom get us in trouble. He also has a new book out about our disturbing trend towards permanent war.
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I am a strong supporter of Net Neutrality-and for that reason I continue to view the Verizon-Google deal as a bad thing for all of the rest of us. Spike found a good primer that explains why: [Via: Online MBA Programs]
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Another week down-still not sure how many to go. I’m more than a little stir crazy at this point, but hey what’s a fellow to do? Have spent the morning, sleeping, eating, paying bills, and catching up on paperwork and expense reports. Another pretty nice day and not to hot
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When you sit down to read Sarah Palin’s Facebook page:
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Take pictures of people out and about on the streets. Try to sneak pictures of people! (And figure out what not to do with a zoom lens). You can….Go to McDonalds-and check your cell phone: You can go shopping in Old Town-and take your time to figure out what you
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It is not easy to combine a commentary on the New York Mosque with an additional comment on “Genbaku no hi” , but I am going to try anyway. Just because you understand why the Japanese are the way they are-does not mean you are endorsing what they did. However,
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I have been very lazy this weekend. The weather here is so hot-that if you spend any appreciable time outside you are just dripping in sweat. So yesterday I just read a book, Bangkok Tattoo by John Burdett. I did go out and treat myself to a decent dinner-but soon
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I got this from a friend. I liked it-so I am sharing with you. Profound statements. 1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. 3. I
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