Far East Cynic

What to wear…….

When you sit down to read Sarah Palin’s Facebook page:

  1. Sheesh, a couple of weeks in one of the SSR and you’ve gone crazy, ruined your mind, drank some seriously bad beer, cheated on your SO and dropped your keys.

    1. Obama went to the Supreme Court of the United States in order to refuse to prove that he was born in Barad dur. What kind of transparent sort of guy goes to that length in order to prevent his birthplace from being known? Sauron or Saruman?

    2. Fire departments are……well, where I grew up for the most part they were VOLUNTEER!!!!! No pensions. From my professional aspect, the Volunteer performed on par with their “professional” fully unionized, pensioned, underfunded pension, fully accredited, pensioned, union teachers and librarians. Got a point with #2. Bring it up during the next fire you fail to respond to.

    3. Government owns Social Security already just as it now does GM. and Freddie Mae and Fanny Mac bought and paid for by the sort of socialist convictions some people share about spending other people’s money in a Ponzi scheme.

    4. If we nuked Canada they’d turn into the same sort of immigrant we get from Mexico.

    5. If the government of my government can own one, why can’t I? I mean, I do already vicariously right? So why?

    6. Forced Health Care dude? You know what Party and complete morons VOTED to approved that one. You can live with the consequences. Can see it now, “Path to legal citizenship as an organ donor” sponsored by Reid and Pelosi.

    7. Guy is a muslim. Apostasy is DEATH.

    Had fun, going out now to buy some stuff.