Far East Cynic

Flying Blind

That would appear to be what all Presidents seem to do-from Bush to Obama and even back to Eisenhower.

Andrew Bacevich has a new article out about how Presidential wisdom get us in trouble. He also has a new book out about our disturbing trend towards permanent war.

  1. What? The emperor has no clothes? Presidents (whether they believe it or not) are just common men with common faults. Surrounded by brown noser’s looking for scraps. “Look at me! Look at me! I have a great idea. I, too, want to be famous.” Politics – it’s all about me.

    Probably just wishful thinking that today’s public servants would think like those before them (fallacy not fact more than likely) about the country and its people rather than their own self interests/fame.

    Cynical? I thought that was your job, Skippy

  2. I like Andy and who can argue with his bona fides BUT we just don’t and will not have the money nor the will for “endless wars” or at least wars like Afghanistan or Iraq.

  3. Me!,

    I’m cool with letting all of THEM get killed! Go for IT!!!!!!! NEVER EVER LIKED THEM ANYWAY!!