The elections over and you’ve heard all the “analysis” you can stand. Fox News is not a real option-especially after 4pm. You think about turning on MSNBC-but there is nobody on. Keith’s not around-and when I think of lesbians, Rachel does not come to mind. Sports? The series is over.
Continue readingChristmas comes early…..
For the Teabag nation. When you get banged up as much as the Democrats did on Tuesday-there is only one thing to do with the woman at the top of the heap. Strap two pieces of wood together, stretch out her arms and start hammering nails through her hands and
Continue readingFriday Funnies……..
Continue readingThe beatings will continue till morale improves……
The teabaggers are leading a revolution all right, its just more similar to the French one than the American. It would appear it is not just Black Shoes that eat their own. Ronald Reagan weeps……………
Continue readingIt is always about the money…..
Which is why-following the election-now is a great time to rebalance your portfolio. Tradition holds that business likes a divided government, because nothing gets done. They like that because it allows them to get away with murder for stability and an environment they can plan to. So now that the
Continue readingEverything you need to know about yesterday’s election.
Can be found in Toy Story 3.
Continue readingMorning quote….
For a guy who had a lot to drink last night-I feel remarkably good this morning. Speaking of last night, here it is summed up nicely: “What this election suggests to me is that the United States may have finally lost its ability to adapt politically to the systemic crises
Continue readingThe downward spiral…….
Into intoxication. “ I’m going to the kitchen, gonna fix something good to eat. I’m gonna sit right down and put a good buzz on! A good buzz on! A good buzz on!-Gonna sit right down and put a good buzz on! “-from a song by JJ Cale. When JJ
Continue readingI did my part………
To stop the barbarians at the gate. Did you? Get out and vote! Nothing to do now but start drinking………………. Somehow, this scene from The Alamo keeps running through my head today. ” Are you a teabagger? Somehow I thought you would be taller!“
Continue readingWhat the Chinese professor really said…….
A little humor before I get really stinking drunk tomorrow evening. But not before I go to the polls and vote against every “real conservative’, “church going”, “pro-life, pro gun”, “down home” Alabama candidate. If I have to hear about how long Mo Brooks has been married to his wife
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