Completely despicable. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head by a gunman at a public event on Saturday. There are conflicting reports about whether she was killed. The Pima County, Ariz., sheriff’s office told member station KJZZ the 40-year-old Democrat was killed. At least nine other people, including members
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In at 7, out at 8-what is wrong with this picture? And before someone asks, " How does this square with your statement, 'You like your company'? I do like my company-but like a girl from the Nana Plaza-sometimes you have to bend over to earn your bar fine. So
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Of everything fun. This will teach me not to answer my phone. First day back at work and just got a HUGE project dumped in my lap. Blogging will be light. What was the number of that truck driving school again?
Continue readingThere is always a record.
Slow new years day today. We've been watching Alabama play-and taking down the tree. I may need to head for my first nap of the New Year. I did, however, stumble on this blog of "Texts from Last Night". They had a list of the best New Years Eve texts.
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A theme I have harped on consistently, is that the world we live in is changing. We no longer have the luxury of doing "business as usual". It is why I have so little patience with climate change deniers, or those who think that every attempt to restore balance with
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And it is the year of the rabbit you know: Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu! Kore kara mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu! (Congratulations on the new year! In this year too, please favor me!)
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And so the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten comes to an end tonight. I am not sure how I feel about it’s passing quite yet. The fact that it closes out the first decade of the 21’st Century and the advance in age that implies-perhaps puts a
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The S.O. and I set out on a car trip today. We just arrived at our hotel. We spent the day looking for my Grandmother’s house that was located in a very small town in southwestern Georgia. ( About 3+ hours driving from Shopping Mall). We found the house-but the
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Natalie Portman is pregnant. Can’t shake the weird feeling this might not work out well for the Empire…
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A great memory of mine was the opportunity to fly from a French Aircraft carrier-and get to experience the way they do business. Over at another blog, about three years ago, I wrote about the experience. I thought the story might use a retelling over here. The article was written
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