Far East Cynic

Ow! Ow! Ow!

In at 7,  out at 8-what is wrong with this picture?

And before someone asks, " How does this square with your statement, 'You like your company'?

I do like my company-but like a girl from the Nana Plaza-sometimes you have to bend over to earn your bar fine.

So now its off to bed-another similar day awaits tomorrow. For the next week or so.

But I could not resist the opportunity to welcome our new Galtian overlords as they come into Congress:

  1. The cartoon is so very true. Amazing how the tea bagger crowd does not even begin to appreciate their own delusions.

  2. The government loves you for working those overtime hours!
    BTW, how about those atheists decending on "shopping mall"? That should stir things up and bring you some local fun.

  3. Oh the constitution that Bush tore up as he sunk as deep into the Patriot Act, Wireless tapping, Gitmo, 2 foreign wars, waterboarding, shit like that.  You guys starting to feel a little silly and miss Cindy Sheehan all that much?  She was JUST LIKE YOU!

  4. I think it is good for the new Congress to read the Constitution.  Maybe some of the "Tea Party" members who were elected will find out what they can actually do, and what actually are the laws.  Don't you think you would want someone to actaully know what they can and can't do, or should we continue to do like the OOD did in that classic training video I once saw at SWOS on the Evans/Melbourne collision and just:  "eyeball it, it's too close for MOBOARDS."
    What I don't get, I understand if those on MSNBC may not like the GOP, but why make it seem like it is so bad to read the Constitution before starting the session, the same Constitution they always seem to be saying that gives them the right to say what they want to say?
    I would be more interested in knowing who doesn't want to have the Constitution read to them in Congress.  No matter what party they are from, those are the ones you will have to watch out for, and the ones who probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

  5. It is nothing but a stunt-and if anything it shows what hypocrites your average teabagger is. Here is why it is not a great thing to do.
    The problem with the Tea Party's new Constitution fetish is that it's hopelessly selective. As Robert Parry notes, the folks who will be reading the Constitution aloud this week can't read the parts permitting slavery or prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment using only their inside voices, while shouting their support for the 10th Amendment. They don't get to support Madison and renounce Jefferson, then claim to be restoring the vision of "the Framers." Either the Founders got it right the first time they calibrated the balance of power between the federal government and the states, or they got it so wrong that we need to pass a "Repeal Amendment" to fix it. And unless Tea Party Republicans are willing to stand proud and announce that they adore and revere the whole Constitution as written, except for the First, 14, 16th, and 17th amendments, which totally blow, they should admit right now that they are in the same conundrum as everyone else: This document no more commands the specific policies they espouse than it commands the specific policies their opponents support.

  6. Skippy, they haven't even read it yet and the pundits are saying that they are going to do only selective reading.  I say if they read it, and find that they are wrong in what they thought was in the Constitution, then that is a good thing since they will not be enacting laws that are un-Constitutional.
    I want many of the Dems to read it also, so that they can find out that nowhere does it state in the Constitution that we have a right to Health Care.

  7. Ah but we do have a right to health care-and the Congress has a right to levy taxes (not just cut them) and regulate commerce.

    You are goddamn right I have a right to health care and I damn well have a right to expect the richest nation in the world to find a way to provide it, that doesn't make insurance companies rich.

  8. Not getting payed for over time? A grievence with your union steward is in order.

    You have a #*$%@mn right!

  9. “..that doesn’t make insurance companies rich”

    and that doesn’t bankrupt the country..ie like Public Unions..
    My God Man. you worked/work for the government, can you really believe that THIS government will run an effective, common sensical agency?
    A year ago there was small aside in a story about government spending..DHS just came to the realization that if they bought office supplies en masse as opposed to each 3 million agencies under its umbrella, that by golly, by gee, they would save money..DUH!!!!!
    This is the kind of dumb a**es we have working for US, spending OUR money….look at the F35 for God sake….
    Could you run your personal finances like that…

  10. Skippy,
    Can you give me the line item where it is in the Constitution that we are guranteed health care. If this is indeed in the Constitution, then you are telling me that since the Constitution has been signed, for all of those years we didn’t have guarnteed health care so the government was not in compliance with the Constitution? If that is the case, why go through the process of passing a law, when they could have just went through the Supreme Court to make health care free for all.

    So I ask, just show me where, and if I were you, go ahead and file a lawsuit to keep it if they repeal it, since by your reading it is in the Constitution.

  11. A lot we take for granted is not specifically enumerated. Where is an Air Force authorized? It is not.

    From what most Con Law scholars say health care is covered under multiple clauses including commerce and interstate trade.

  12. Garret Epps has a wonderful article about this-outlining where the Congress has the power to regulate commerce, and more importantly it has the obligation to legislate in a manner that promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That’s two places in the Constititution I can think of off the top of my head.

    The Founding fathers did not intend the document to be static-it was to be a basis to allow the country to grow.

  13. Flat out amazing that none of the people who signed the Constitution felt any right to health care on the public’s dime. The way a liberal searches for any reason at all to justify stealing other people’s money when they cite the Constitution always involves ‘penumbras’ and shit like that.

    The socialists here cannot accept what is readily apparent to even the stupidest marxist troglodyte in the EU. Eventually thieving governments run out of other peoples money and can no longer borrow money. Not sure at this point anymore if the Euro was an act of deeply inspired cunning and madness or just lunacy. All those governments gave up the right to print their own way into Weimar type inflations that could then ‘offset’ those pesky debts on those bonds.

    My family was in medicine for 3 generations and I get a huge kick out of those here who claim that they are owed health care by a government system that repays doctors somewhat less then 70 cents on the $ for treatment. I can you all smugly at home muttering darkly about selfish whiners and how those doctors work for you by damn! And I see all uncles have already given it up and moved on and very few doctors that my parents generation use will take on anymore Medicaire patients (they were Tricare for Life but hit 65 and got dumped into Medicaire)

    Love it don’t you losers that SEIU and all your other socialists labor organizations all instantly wrote off and either got waivers exempting themselves from Obamacare requirements or dropped all kids from their policies in order to be hit by a landslide of pre existing conditions and shit.

    It was utterly predictable. Yet you all fester and hover around wounds in the body politic like blow flies and mutter darkly about the commerce clause and other nonsense and you really fail to take notice that much of that creeping pile of BS is precedent. Smugly you all wrap yourselves in your own arms and say that precedent rules bay bee!!! No actually it doesn’t or there would still be slaves and slave owners and separate but equal schools and laws preventing the legal ownership of guns.

    It will be interesting to watch the party of no as Harry Reid et al struggle to explain their refusal to support the overwhelming popular mandate.

  14. It won’t be interesting, it will be sad. The mandate is an essential thing-and other nations make mandated health insurance work just fine. America is just too full of whiners to understand that.

    As for the doctors you cite-what is the fair price for the treatment? I just had a physical exam and the cost was what I would consider overpriced-even though my health insurance ( both of them) was paying most of it.

    Ask yourself this question, if the healthcare bill is just a “government takeover,” why are healthcare industry CEOs being rewarded with so much money? It’s time to move on. Let’s end the fiction that the current law was a government takeover.

  15. Education, sewer systems, roads et al. are ALL important but the government seems to be particularly inept in just doing the ‘simple” things.
    I don’t quarrel with the intent of the health care bill nor that government has a duty to protect its citizens etc..but that our government is incapable of using common sense OR robust oversight…
    The liberal mantra is that government is the font of knowledge, wisdom and common sense..THEY will make the decisions for the unwashed..how has that worked out for the last decade?
    Bridge to nowhere? the list is endless of government perfidy.
    I don’t trust them. and neither should you.

  16. So… if we can’t trust the government, we just have to trust private enterprise instead? That worked out real well for us with the banks and rating agencies, didn’t it?

    While the government often screws up, they don’t have the profit motive to drive them to intentionally screw you over.

    Getting back to the new congress, I think EJ Dionne has a good take on it: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/05/AR2011010503918.html

  17. I don’t know guys. Why don’t you do some original research and just look up the number of doctor’s refusing new or any medicaire patients?

    What is fair when one pays $250,000 for malpractice/year? What is fair when OB/GYNs refuse to practice in many areas for some reason or other?

    I see the Obamacare latest predictable flop was the halt construction order on 45 doctor owned hospitals since they could not meet the medicaire standard imposed by Obamacare.

  18. There is another way to look at it-doctors who are selfish?

    Plus tort reform is needed and Obama has been one of the leading voices in that effort. But it does not solve the root problem which is getting insurance companies to insure people-at reasonable rates. That has nothing to do with the idea of tort reform.

  19. I take your point. What were those selfish thuggish doctor bastards thinking as they tried to get away with building actual hospitals that NOBODY TWISTED YOUR ARM TO GO TO.

    You should listen to yourself sometimes.

    Tort reform is where it’s at. $250,000 grand for malpractice every year/doctor and you don’t think that affects your insurance premiums? Are you crazy? Did you understand my point that in many counties now the rates are so extreme that NO DOCTOR will practice there at any price. You look it up and see. Prospective mother arrives at clinic after Zero prenatal care, years of drug and alcohol abuse and result is a baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome and it’s all the doctor’s fault.

  20. Tort reform does not solve the insurance industries other loathsome practices-nor does it solve the obscene profits they and the pharma’s are making.