Asking the wrong question…..

Lex and others have taken a great deal of pride in flashing this picture around-and then with a certain amount of snarkiness proclaiming how great it was under George W. Bush. Sad to see how short peoples memories really are:   Let’s just say for argument’s sake-Barak Obama is really the worst President since Millard Filmore-which… Continue reading Asking the wrong question…..

A year wasted…….

There is probably no better time than the State of the Union to render forth my verdict on the first year of the Obama administration. Unlike what the folks in teabagger land think-it has not been the complete disaster they portray it to be-nor has it been as good as some might have thought it… Continue reading A year wasted…….

Equal time….

To bash some really stupid liberal ideas. I am often accused of “going to the dark side”-and endorsing the whole Democratic agenda. Truth is-I have not. It is posts like this one, from Balloon Juice ( a blog I generally like) that keep me from going whole hog into the side of fruits and nuts.… Continue reading Equal time….

So that is the guy who is at fault!

My Canadian counterpart has figured out who is to blame for the lousy economy. Some asshole named Grover Norquist: There was a point in the late 1970s when American conservative politics became completely disconnected from reality, particularly on economic policy. Remember, it was Ronald Reagan who believed that you could cut taxes, spend a veritable… Continue reading So that is the guy who is at fault!

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