Equal time….

To bash some really stupid liberal ideas.

I am often accused of “going to the dark side”-and endorsing the whole Democratic agenda. Truth is-I have not. It is posts like this one, from Balloon Juice ( a blog I generally like) that keep me from going whole hog into the side of fruits and nuts.

I can’t quite get the logic of this:

Perhaps that will be true for health reform, though no one has any real clarity yet about what the path forward is. But for the larger progressive agenda, including initiatives like immigration reform, cap and trade, and LGBT issues, the aftershocks of Brown’s win may be far more detrimental. One Capitol Hill veteran I spoke with on Friday was particularly pessimistic, for instance, about the prospects that the White House will push for the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” this year. 

“I’m getting the sense they will try to ignore this as long as possible and then they will maybe trot out some commission to delay it another year if they are forced to do anything,” said the person. “It will be fascinating to see what the LGBT community does if they do this.”

Ahem. WTF?

So,  let me see if I get this straight. With health insurance reform on the ropes-simply because of the election of one Republican Senator- who likes posing nude in women’s magazines-now is the time to bring out a very contentious gay rights issue?

The President has a whole lot of people who think he is the incarnation of the devil himself-and NOW is the time you pick to bring up a very contentious, and incindentally not so popular social issue?

Not to mention that a large majority of the military population is still not comfortable with the dark skinned occupant of the Oval Office.

As I pointed out to the herd over there:

If you think the health care message got distorted-wait till tea baggers get their hands on this. They will have a field day with it-and the reason health care is in trouble to begin with is : 1) People don’t understand it and 2) what they think they understand is often wrong. But the Republicans were able to dominate the discussion because they were able to come up with a coherent theme. It was wrong but it stuck. ” Health Care Reform equals Socialized medicine and it will jack up your taxes.”

This will get quickly morphed into a national security discusssion of ” Obama does not care about the troops”.

What the hell are you guys smoking? Because I want to experience that high. Going full bore gay-has to be about the stupidest thing you can ever do.  

It sounds good on paper-but in reality it doesn’t fly. I’m a Republican who voted for Obama because I had had it with Iraq, GTMO,  and the economy. There are a lot of people like me who can put our RINO caps on and go back to voting Republican. Obama won on a coalition of independents who switched sides. If Massachusetts proves one thing it is that coalition is a fragile one.

But hey, knock your self out screaming for gay issues at a time when Obama’s numbers are sinking. Let me know how that works out.

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