Far East Cynic

Still here-just busy

I have been meaning to post-but by the time dinner and some prowling get done, it is late and I don't have the time. The relationship posts are still in work, but they will have to come when I get back.

I also get to hear the guns-last night the big guns were firing. And you could hear it. A big BOOM-then machine gun fire. They shoot them all the way up to midnight. That surprised me a lot.

And today-when I was walking from lunch, I heard the familiar BRRRRRP! of a 30mm Gatling Gun. "There is no CWIS here". (If you have ever been on a Navy Ship-you know that distinctive sound). I looked up and saw an A-10 climbing doing a hard left turn-trying to avoid the cloud bank-and evidently shooting something on the range.

You learn something new every day.

  1. Was fishing one day here in the central part of the state and thought I heard thunder , so headed back to the truck. Passerby asked how they were biting? Reply, OK but getting out before the rain. He laughed and said that was not thunder, it was practice on the APAFR. I know better now!

  2. something has totally fucked your page loading. Takes minutes each time to load.
    good for you.