Still here-just busy

I have been meaning to post-but by the time dinner and some prowling get done, it is late and I don't have the time. The relationship posts are still in work, but they will have to come when I get back.

I also get to hear the guns-last night the big guns were firing. And you could hear it. A big BOOM-then machine gun fire. They shoot them all the way up to midnight. That surprised me a lot.

And today-when I was walking from lunch, I heard the familiar BRRRRRP! of a 30mm Gatling Gun. "There is no CWIS here". (If you have ever been on a Navy Ship-you know that distinctive sound). I looked up and saw an A-10 climbing doing a hard left turn-trying to avoid the cloud bank-and evidently shooting something on the range.

You learn something new every day.

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