Far East Cynic

When the Penguins win…..

The crowd goes nuts.

After having dinner with my son, we went back to my hotel. The hockey game was in the second period. He had a long day and still had to make his way home. So with the evening turning late, I bid him adieu and we were set to meet the following day. Back at the room, I turned the game on-Shot, Score! Penguins win it!

Soon after I heard the noise of the crowds streaming out into the street from the arena. And into the hotel evidently-so it seemed to me and excursion downstairs was in order:

Yes-It was crowded.

These were the hard working girls selling beer in the lobby:

And I never understood all the folks wearing white wigs:

Moving outside and across the street-even more were celebrating at an old landmark (and scene of my pre-game libations 20 years ago): Shales Bar-

Not sure what these girls were up to-they did not look dressed for the game:

And this morning- look at the scene of the carnage. Sadly, I was told that they are going to tear down the Civic, er I mean, Mellon Arena. I went to a bunch of concerts there and more than a few hockey games. They are building a new hockey arena across the street. This is truly sad-as this is a Pittsburgh landmark. The dome even used to open which made for a view of the city at night.

Time to go see the Pirates this evening. As you can tell I will probably be wet and cold.

  1. Another Pgh. landmark bites the dust. The rumor was that they never opened the roof because it cost tens of thousands of dollars in electric bills. I saw Billy Joel there back in the 80s. Ever see any concerts at the Stanley Theatre? I saw some great ones there (Peter Gabriel, Jeff Beck) before they took it all High Culture and made it the Benedum Center.

  2. I was there in 1968 when they opened the dome. It was before the US Steel building was built so you could see the Gulf building well.