Far East Cynic

Worth repeating…

As a good reason to hate both tea-baggers and neocons:

As I’ve said before, Americans have come to believe that spending government revenues on U.S. citizens here at home is usually a bad thing and should be viewed with suspicion, but spending billions on vast social engineering projects overseas is the hallmark of patriotism and should never be questioned. This position makes no sense, but it is hard to think of a prominent U.S. leader who is making an explicit case for doing somewhat less abroad so that we can afford to build a better future here at home. Debates about foreign policy, grand strategy, and military engagement — including the current debate over Obama’s decision to add another 30,000-plus troops in Afghanistan — tend to occur in isolation from a discussion of other priorities, as if there were no tradeoffs between what we do for others and what we are able to do for Americans here at home.

  1. You should fix all those bridges that are about to fall down…

    And you should raise the minimum wage so that is above the poverty line and stop outsourcing… Spend your way out of recession, they say; spend with WHAT?… (Sorry I am reading Barbara Ehrenreich at the moment.)

  2. spend government revenues?!!!!????!!!!!

    Try that! Do that! Don’t spend more than that!

    Don’t spend my daughter’s future and her children’s future. $12 TRILLION IN DEBT but politicians want to keep spending.

    We should slash the minimum wage to $2.00 an hour and send all those people who do the work that Americans won’t do home to Mexico and Guatemala etc.

    Skippy probably knows as well as I do that where our industry used to hire high school kids as temps we now hire college engineers as temps in technician jobs for peanuts.

    Liberals in this country have sewn the vomit and we cannot find jobs for uneducated ignorant pillocks with high school degrees. We don’t have $45/hour jobs on assembly lines bolting on a widget as the assembly line flies by and won’t ever have them again. Stupid ignorant people need not apply and we seem to have about 30% of our population who fall into that category.

  3. Oh but I thought that the “ONE” has fixed those bridges, stimulus spent, jobs created, shovel ready?

    How much will that BIG MAC cost you when the burger flipper is making $18 an hour?

  4. Hey skip, ya got the old http://http:// in your link.

    It is very interesting to me that people continue to complain about the stimulus and bank bail out. Most respectable economists agree that spending was the only way to divert a disaster. Unfortunately, there is no real way to tell since we can’t go back and do it over again, and really, what is done is done.

    It is also interesting that none of these voices spoke out when the former president began his spending spree. In 2001, there was a $260 billion dollar surplus. That was quickly done away with and a further $4.7 Trillion was added to the national dept. Where was the outrage? Where were the teabagers? Where was Glenn Beck, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et al.?

    Answer, they were okay with it because a “conservative” was in charge.

    It is okay to spend a trillion dollars invading Iraq, but it is not okay to spend a trillion dollars fixing roads, bridges, and other infrastructure? Do you drive?

    Unless somebody can prove to me that they were against the bush deficit spending, they need to STFU and get back to work. What is all this protesting going on when there are taxes that need to be deducted.

  5. Losers like Paul tend to fail to take note of the fact that the former nemesis was ATTACKED and was then forced to wage war using the intelligence tools of his predecessor who had appointed the loser running the CIA. Wars incur costs.

    Idiot fucksticks that run around bleating about cost and bridgebuilding should shift off their dead lazy asses and head over to bldg1 on Treasure Island and look at the construction and timelines for building both the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate. If they were real citizens, they’d get their guns and kill every son of a bitch involved in the process of rebuilding the Bay Bridge for massive corruption and incompetence.

  6. And Paul bought Enron stock? They both(US Gov.) use the same accounting tricks.

    BTW. There are a lot of us out here that did not agree with everything that W did.

  7. Nope, never owned any Enron stock. And there are a lot of us who also don’t agree with everything Obama and particularly congress is doing now.

  8. I’ll echo Paul’s statement. What most of the teabaggers forget is that Obama came into office because his predecessor screwed things up so badly. And Curtis’ girlfriend was on the ticket. Together that was an unacceptable combination.

    Has Obama done everything I would like him to? No. But he is at least trying to focus attention back on problems that need fixing-like greedy insurance company bastards like the ones at Aetna who are dropping 60,000 people to improve their profit margin.