Far East Cynic

Mission statement……..

Out of pocket for the next couple of days. Work is very busy and at night-I’m in the middle of writing a “mission statement” for myself: to remind of me of my goal to be where I want to be before the sun dawns on my birthday in 2010. ( God willing). I’m going to frame it and put it over my desk here to remind me of my goal. The election last night reminded me its time to jump start that process. If others can do it why can’t I?

Plus Spike wrote something the other night that struck a chord with me-I’ve been gone too long from it:

Yet none of this stuff is attractive to me on anything other than a “once or twice a year for a few days is nice” basis. This is a good life I suppose for a family man or a hermit, someone who doesn’t need or want to go out at will for a bit of excitement. I can live without a dozen varieties of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups a lot more easily than I can live without Wanchai, Lan Kwai Fong or Soho right now.

Ja ne…………..