Batting 500

The S.O. failed her drivers test today. Bitten in the ass because she got a female tester instead of a guy and the lady spoke with a wicked Southern accent. ( A guy might have been distracted by the fact that her legs looked great in the shorts she was wearing. 🙂  ) Also bit in the ass by the infamous 3 Point turn. She knows how to do one, but the vernacular threw her for a loop. (Even though yours truly told her about it-another case of her tuning me out when she needs to pay attention to me.). ” What we have here, is a failure to communicate.”

On the plus side, the Flying Dutchman of a suit case came home, none the worse for wear, and all items in it that it left with. I’m happy because I really liked those two suits-and did not want to wait 7 or 8 months to have enough vacation to sneak back to Singapore to buy replacements. ( Although I would love to go back to the Lion City, sooner rather than later).

So its 50-50 here. Except its more like batting 225 since I have not been able to get tags for the S.O.’s car yet, and after I had a chance to dig deeper and going to pull some easy preventative maintenance on the car this weekend. The S.O. is pissed about not passing-“it’s her fault for not speaking clearly”.

Lesson number 1-the person giving the test is always right. Disregard lesson number on at your own peril.

So in two weeks I have to take time off from work (AGAIN!) to get her to the drivers test. Oh joy.



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