Down for the count…….

Well, its is official. 2 weeks of freezing my ass off in Korea have caught up with me. I’m a sick puppy. All this while trying to get some things done! I’m learning the fine art of dragging-and I do mean dragging-my lard ass around between naps!

Super Tuesday today. Does any one remember who Mike Huckabee is? It is almost like he is a non-person. Despite, as he is happy to tell you, he has more delegates than Romney. What’s up with that?

Gotta sleep now-but here’s a thought to talk about among yourselves: If McCain wins the Presidency and does well, seems to me its going to drive a stake through the heart of George Bush’s fond hopes to be remembered as the Truman of the 21’st century. Seems to me, the public will be wondering to itself, why didn’t we get this guy in 2000?

I know I’ve been wondering that for 8 years.

Side note: If you ever think the US is not noticed abroad-the Japanese networks have been covering EVERY election so far in great detail. Its been on NHK for at least the last 15 minutes. In the spirit of fair and balanced, Barak Obama gets a lot of coverage-the average Nihonjin seems fascinated by him. (Don’t ask me for an explanation-just accept it-it is what it is).

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