The S.O. failed her drivers test today. Bitten in the ass because she got a female tester instead of a guy and the lady spoke with a wicked Southern accent. ( A guy might have been distracted by the fact that her legs looked great in the shorts she was wearing. 🙂 ) Also bit in the ass by the infamous 3 Point turn. She knows how to do one, but the vernacular threw her for a loop. (Even though yours truly told her about it-another case of her tuning me out when she needs to pay attention to me.). ” What we have here, is a failure to communicate.”
On the plus side, the Flying Dutchman of a suit case came home, none the worse for wear, and all items in it that it left with. I’m happy because I really liked those two suits-and did not want to wait 7 or 8 months to have enough vacation to sneak back to Singapore to buy replacements. ( Although I would love to go back to the Lion City, sooner rather than later).
So its 50-50 here. Except its more like batting 225 since I have not been able to get tags for the S.O.’s car yet, and after I had a chance to dig deeper and going to pull some easy preventative maintenance on the car this weekend. The S.O. is pissed about not passing-“it’s her fault for not speaking clearly”.
Lesson number 1-the person giving the test is always right. Disregard lesson number on at your own peril.
So in two weeks I have to take time off from work (AGAIN!) to get her to the drivers test. Oh joy.
Sorry the SO did not meet expectations of the examiner. Language and vernacular are difficult. Especially since my guess is the SO speaks and understands standard English which may or may not be spoken in parts of Alabama.
Story for the SO. Years ago in San Antoino a friend Puerto Rico married a wonderful lady from Spain- a concert pianist. After a lot of thougth she elected to take the TX driver’s exam in Spanish. She failed miserably exam was in Tex-Mex not Spaish. Had she taken exam in English she would have done very well.
Bettr luck next time. Maybe get examiner of either persausion who appreciates nice legs.
Bad luck for the SO. I took my driver’s exam right there in Huntsville a long time ago and my only difficulty was convincing them that I was 16. One of the girls in my carpool took it 4 times before she passed. Like the SO, she had a car (her daddy gave it to her) and it bugged the hell out of her that he wouldn’t let her drive it without a license. As I recall she put it in a pond next to Drake Road about 3 months later.