Far East Cynic

Bert and Ernie

Are gay.

At would think so if you watch this video parody of Sesame Street-courtesy of Japan Probe.  “As is common with comedic portrayals of English-speakers, they use a stupid fake gaijin accent that flips the intonation of most words.” That part is very true-especially if they are trying to be funny for Japanese. Laughing at Gaijin is a favorite pastime.

I’ve been trying to watch a lot of Japanese videos on You Tube so that I can keep  my Japanese language skills up. I’m making a concious effort to talk to the S.O. in Japanese as much as we can. It gets me funny looks in stores-which is suprising when you see how many Chinese and Koreans are walking up and down the aisles.

Short post tonight, have to be up early tomorrow as I have to drop the S.O.’s car off at a mechanic to give it a professional once over. It is in good shape, but I want to make sure I did not miss anything. It sure drives nice though!