Why the Republicans are going to give it all away this year……

When they bicker about stupid stuff and in the process fuck away the next election.

My Canadian counterpart, has written an insightful post about how the Republicans evolved into the Rethuglican party. Reading his post, it makes me glad I am no longer a Rush Limbaugh listener (and have not been for quite a while).

I mean think about it. In a perfect world McCain would be a logical successor to Ronald Reagan and should be a no brainer as a choice to kick Hillary’s ass in November. Instead, the petty boneheads who pretend to speak for the party-continue to snipe at McCain because he dared to think his own thoughts:

McCain is not only not conservative enough,” writes David Limbaugh, Rush’s brother, “he has also built a reputation as a maverick by stabbing his party in the back–not in furtherance of conservative principles but by betraying them.”Like so many McCain critics, Limbaugh turned to former Senator Rick Santorum–“whose conservative credentials are beyond question”–as an expert witness. “I don’t hardly agree with him on hardly any issues,” Santorum said.

Rick Santorum-the former useless piece of excrement Senator from my home state, hardly constitutes a reliable source of information. He’s a worthless hypocrite and a pompous bastard.

I agree with Skippystalin when he says, “watching him lose was one of the highlights of my life.”

Seems to me that if Santorum does not like you-that’s the best endorsement of why McCain is the man to vote for.

In the post , the other Skippy highlights all the flawed reasons why these boneheads don’t like McCain:

Which brings us back to John McCain. An article in The Weekly Standard illustrates perfectly how these lemmings think.

There are other concerns, many of them well known. McCain did not support George W. Bush’s tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 and often used left-wing class warfare arguments to voice his opposition. Rather than simply fight for conservative jurists, McCain joined the so-called Gang of 14 that sought to find compromise on judicial appointments. He led Senate opposition to Bush administration policies on detainee interrogation, practices that even administration critics acknowledge have prevented potentially catastrophic attacks. Then there was illegal immigration. And campaign finance reform.

Add them up, the critics argue, and you have John McCain, the Anti-Conservative.
Let’s address these “concerns” one by one, shall we?

This is the point where you pause and go read the counterarguements to that one by one.

At which point, if you have half a brain, you come to the same conclusion that he does:

In a perfect world, John McCain would run as an independent and destroy the Republican party once and for all. McCain is starting to look like a battered housewife who won’t leave because she sees every punch to the head as an expression of love. It’s actually starting to get disturbing.I have no illusions that an independent McCain candidacy would actually win, but it would serve to draw anyone with any common sense in the GOP to leave with him. Let the stupid pricks become modern Whigs like they’ve been aching to do for about 15 years now.I’m at the point where it doesn’t really matter to me one way or the other if the Democrats become a permanent majority in the United States. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats are the retarded fantasies they embrace as ideology.

I think that we can all safely stop pretending that the GOP is still the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Barry Goldwater, or even Ronald Reagan.

Even at his worst, Reagan at least had some grounding in reality. President Reagan never would have invaded a country the size of California with six guys and a fucking deer rifle, then blamed everyone else when it didn’t work out like it did in their feverish dreams. Reagan would never have given away the entire treasury in unwise tax cuts while going on the biggest spending spree since the New Deal, and he sure as shit wouldn’t have done it when the country was fighting two wars. Reagan would have seen insolent fucking thieves like Randy Cunningham and Tom DeLay and kicked them in the balls, not taken them to his bosom.

And if you point any of those things out, you just aren’t a conservative anymore. You’re a RINO, or something even worse.

You know what? Fuck them. I’m well past the point of even trying to understand why any half smart adult would want any part of the party of Terri Schiavo. They don’t even pretend to be the party of small government anymore, so consumed are they with literally waking the dead and hating fags and Mexicans.

Kind of says it all-except for the fag thing. I still don’t like them or Arabs. Oh wait, we are talking apples and apples.

Can’t win them all. I hope McCain kicks ass today.

I comment on a lot of other blogs-where :1)support for the war in Iraq is quite pronounced and 2) they love President Bush. Skippystalin finally helped me find my voice:

There are any number of delusional Republican asshole bloggers who constantly whine about “Bush Derangement Syndrome,” as if there’s actually something deranged about hating President Bush. These are the same idiots who see this administration spreading anarchy throughout the Middle East and call it democracy.

Unless of course you are Saudia Arabia-then you get a pass.

His final quote sums it up pretty well if you ask me:

It appears that battle lines are being drawn. On one side, you have Henry Kissinger, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Tom Coburn, Richard Allen, Jack Kemp and Joe Lieberman. On the other you have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rick fucking Santorum and 90% of the inbred mutants in the conservative blogosphere.

I know which side I’m on.

Nuff said.

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