Redefining terms.


Spike has it right-America has gone off the deep end socially and politically.

I also owe every freelancer from Orchard Road to the LA Cafe to Wanchai an unqualified apology.

You see, I used to call Michelle MacaganlangMalkin a whore. Now I realize that by doing so, I’m doing real whores a huge disservice. They at least perform some sort of useful service for the money they receive and unlike Malkin-actually know how to do something useful with their mouths and fingers.  Then again real “sales professionals” know a thing or two about keeping the customer satisfied-for at least a while.

So to all the girls I have seen and hope to see again in the above listed locations, you have my sincere apologies for putting Malkin in the same league with these hard working women.

Because she is a step or 4 lower than that.

I’ve tried-believe me I have- to make sense of the whole SCHIP controversy and Malkin’s particular hatred for a family who has political views opposed to hers, but also makes a hell of a lot less than the shrieking Filipina does.  I just don’t get it.

The President vetoed a continuation of the popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP. Congress had voted not just to continue the program – which seeks to throw a safety net under those too hard-working or otherwise successful to be covered by Medicare but too poor to afford private health care, but also to extend it to families at up to 300% of the poverty level from the previous 200% threshold. For a family of four, that would mean benefits would now accrue to those earning around $62,000 per year.

So even under the “old” program, the Frosts qualified. They met every means test for the program and so are entitled to support from it. That should be the first last and only line that matters.

It does not matter that what kind of cars they drive or what kind of loans they have outstanding.

It does not matter what kind of house they have.(Which I find it interesting that you begrudge them the benefit of the housing market-when you have probably made a killing on yours…).

It does not matter where their kids to go to school-or the fact that they have scholarships to go to that school is also not germane.

All of the above facts , Miss Pinay do not, by the way, give you the right to get in your car-which I will bet is pretty nice itself paid for by your fat Fox News checks-and go snooping through their neighborhood.  And then glibly claim that the couple is a bunch of losers who just made bad choices and need to pay for them.

John Cole addresses that point. So does Paul Krugman-who the right despises, but unfortunately is right more than he is wrong in my opinion:

All in all, the Graeme Frost case is a perfect illustration of the modern right-wing political machine at work, and in particular its routine reliance on character assassination in place of honest debate. If service members oppose a Republican war, they’re “phony soldiers”; if Michael J. Fox opposes Bush policy on stem cells, he’s faking his Parkinson’s symptoms; if an injured 12-year-old child makes the case for a government health insurance program, he’s a fraud.

I don’t know about you, but I think American children who need medical care should get it, period. Even if you think adults have made bad choices — a baseless smear in the case of the Frosts, but put that on one side — only a truly vicious political movement would respond by punishing their injured children.

Malkin and others have gone on and on about the Frosts are fair game because the Democrats used the children as props. And the Republicans have never use children as props? Gotta sneeze now-HORSESHIT!

The two sides are more alike than they are different. And the whole thing is made even more interesting when one considers the amount that we Americans are spending on behalf of a group of worthless Arabsreal losers who really made bad choices-and yet we begrudge paying the bill for our own people.

But hey, little Miss Pinoy, you got yours-so what do you care if other people need some help? Bitch.

I’d love to be able snoop through your drawers and find out how much of your money is making its way back to Luzon-I’ll bet its more than a little-but that would be intruding into your privacy. Something I was taught to respect.

And you never were-YOU BITCH.

I cannot believe that Malkin had the gall to write this-I missed it the first time I read her screed:

Once again, they will ignore the fundamental
concept of how insurance is supposed to work. I repeat again:
If you don’t buy it before you need it, you shouldn’t be shocked if it’s difficult to impossible to get after you need it.

Fuck you-that’s not the point .Here is the point:

Yeah, the Frosts made a choice: they walked into a casino with their income and took a gamble like so many others that they couldn’t afford health insurance. And to the right, they lost the bet and so, well, fuck ’em, they should have done without something else. To the left, the issue is why there’s a casino there in the first place.

Game, set, match. When it comes to healthcare-it should not be a bet at the casino table-I believe it is a fundamental right. Sue me.

Oh, and by the way, in your lastest screed you ask this particular question:

Who deserves government-subsidized health insurance?


And it will not matter how much money I make, where I live, or what kind of car I drive. I earned that little tidbit by doing something you never could be bothered to do-because you were too busy doing Jesse God knows what…………

So shut up and pay your fucking taxes-you owe me! You fucking useless bitch.

Don’t know what the above accomplished-but its been boiling inside me for the last week. Now I feel better.

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