Note to self………

Try not to do the whole Singapore to USA trip in one day…………

Actually it was not too bad until I got to Destination USA. There I had to go through what I call the rental car shuffle………..

It always seems that the company they use for rental cars, the van never comes. Then it took over an hour to get the car. This after 20+ hours in airplanes.

Next time I’m just booking my own…….

Still trying to get my brain adjusted, have been sleeping off and on and watching bad TV, including the President compare Japanese Democracy to Iraqi democracy. There is no compariosn and you think he would know that. To begin with the Japanese already had a govermental framework and an Emporer to rally around. Perhaps that is another history tidbit the President did not learn at Yale.

He did sound confident, even if he was confident about the wrong things. Still preaching to the faithful though.

Got to get some sleep.

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