Ramsau in Berchtesgarden

There is a LOT to talk about, most particularly Mr. Kelly’s abomination of a press conference on Thursday. He should have stayed away from the microphone and heeded some good advice about his boss.

It’s practically a saying from the old country: If you elect a raging sociopath with a dead soul, don’t be surprised when he acts like a raging sociopath with a dead soul. 

So, frankly, what would have been shocking is if President Donald Trump had expressed remorse, sorrow, and sympathy to the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, killed on a mission in Niger along with three of his fellow soldiers. Did anyone think that he wouldn’t screw it up?

Of course, every time you think that Trump has cleared some incompetence bar, he sets it lower and still manages to flatten his gelatinous body to squeeze under it.

Which gets us to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine general. Yesterday, Kelly appeared at the White House press briefing to set the record straight or some fucking thing about President Trump’s callous phone call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, killed in Niger earlier in this month.

In doing so, Kelly took his career and any respectability he had, which he had already handed over to Trump when he agreed to work for him in the first place, and he allowed Trump to fuck it in the ass while he cheered Trump on.

But the weather both this and last weekend meant we needed to get out and see the mountains and towns, and let the bad news sit till Monday. One thing about the current state of the Whining States of America, there will always be bad news to contemplate.

So we hopped in the rental car we have till the new one gets here, and raced off down the A-8 to Munich and then today we drove to the town of Ramsau. Its a town near Berchtesgarden that is really scenic. It is nestled right in the middle of the beginning of the Austrian and German Alps.

Ramsau looking back towards Berchtesgarden.

They began construction on this church in 1512. The town was already 300 years old.

The rivers here are so clear and crisp.

We drove on to Oberamergau this afternoon. More things to see tomorrow. For bad news and retired four stars selling their souls, there is always time for that next week.

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