John Cole has it right. The current crop in Congress is positively evil: Considering they haven’t created one job since taking office, and haven’t so much as advanced one plan to create jobs since they took office, and, mind you, presided over the worst economic collapse since the Depression, it’s
Continue readingA different kind of Memorial Day post
I’ve been out of pocket this weekend-down in Pensacola, playing golf at AC Read, watching the boats go across the sound, and catching up with some friends. He let me in on some very sad developments happening in our Navy-which I will proceed to document later this week. This, however,
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Our boy Allen West is at it again-wading knee deep in to the mud of hypocrisy. The House on Thursday narrowly shot down an amendment to scale back military operations in Afghanistan, highlighting growing congressional opposition to the war. In a close 204-215 vote, the House rejected a bipartisan amendment
Continue readingUnrequired hysteria.
I have been watching with considerable interest, the generally unhinged reaction of many prominent mil-blogs and other commentaries about President Obama’s speech last Thursday regarding Israel and the Palestinians. It would be funny, if the consequences were not so serious.
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John Cole describes Paul Ryan’s evil and disgusting budget proposal: Medicare costs are increasing too fast, so in order to get those costs in line, we’ll use the Ryan plan! We’ll give trillions away in tax cuts and then… stop paying for Medicare. Voila! Problem solved! Try that shit at
Continue readingA new low……..
Three years ago. ( three years! That alone is appalling)-when I was contemplating my expulsion from paradise and the reality of having to take up residence in Gehenna on the Tennessee, a commenter here posted this tidbit of advice: “If you come home and find her watching Oprah and eating
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In defense of Newt Gingrich…..
This post is dedidcated to commenter Stu. What does it say about today’s Republican party that a Presidential candidate cannot state the truth about Paul Ryan’s budget plan without immediately being pummeled into submission? Here’s what Gingrich said: I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing
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If the world is ending tomorrow-why do I have to go to work today? I should have gotten on a plane a week ago and been spending this week on an Asian beach somewhere-with drinks and companionship. Instead I am heading to the car to go beat my head against
Continue readingWhat was the number of that truck driving school again?
Why can’t we just catch the contracting officer in a compromising position? It’s got to be easier to blackmail your way into a successful bid than this shit:
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