Far East Cynic

Summed up in one paragraph…….

John Cole describes Paul Ryan’s evil and disgusting budget proposal:

Medicare costs are increasing too fast, so in order to get those costs in line, we’ll use the Ryan plan! We’ll give trillions away in tax cuts and then… stop paying for Medicare. Voila! Problem solved!

Try that shit at home, folks. Your significant other comes to you, concerned that food prices are going through the roof and you all might not be able to pay your food bills. Offer up this snappy plan- tell them you are going to spend a shitload of money on hookers, gambling, and beer, and then stop paying the grocery bills. See the genius in it? Problem solved! Report back to me the reception this gets at home- I’m betting it is much like the reception the Ryan plan is getting everywhere outside of Reason HQ and Paul Ryan’s office.

Good luck with that. ( Although hookers, gambling and beer seem a better alternative than Mr. Ryan offers us).