It only seems that Americans and Australians or British speak the same language. In reality-the usages of common phrases in every day speech are often radically different. In a recent article the BBC took a look at the creeping “Americanization” of the Queen’s English: The Americans imported English wholesale, forged
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Jeffery Goldberg makes some great observations about how lousy Americans are about trying to blend in while traveling, all lectures to do so to the contrary: It became instantly obvious that this flight was going to carry a large number of Afghanistan-based American contractors and active-duty military personnel back home. It
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Ronald Reagan was a lot smarter than most of the current GOP Congressmen. The single most important question facing us tonight is: Do we reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share—or do we accept bigger budget deficits, higher interest
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I am finally done with my Six Sigma Course. Thanks be to God! Word to the wise-if you decided to pursue a Black Belt course-be sure to allocate a decent amount of time and do not let your self get behind. No Lie! But now it is done. Beer was
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It seems the spoiled children just can’t get enough attention. A group of House GOP freshmen will appear at the White House tomorrow morning with a letter demanding the president present a written plan detailing his ideas for deficit reduction. Sadly-my own douchebag of a Congressman,
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Foxification-(adj) the process through which formerly respected news outlets are transformed into mediocre propaganda machines for Rupert Murdoch and his gang of cronies. Joe Nocera has a great dissection of how deep the reach of the evil Australian goes into the American news business. Fox News of course, has long
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The Nobel Prize winner every conservative loves to hate ( I mean besides the President of the United States) asks the question that should be on every reasonable person’s mind: A number of commentators seem shocked at how unreasonable Republicans are being. “Has the G.O.P. gone insane?” they ask. Why,
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This post is for Phib’s chattering class. One of the most bracing things about going to a blog where hard core wingnuttery prevails-is having to defend common sense. It’s hard-because unlike what they would have you believe-facts are not relevant, and they are more than willing to attack you personally.
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Sorry, its been a while since posting. Its hard to type when you are curled up in the fetal position. Today was the first day I felt semi-normal in four days. I’v either been working, working on my course, or trying to sleep. I still have not been able to get
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Watching Bloomberg today has been a bit eye-opening. First of all, they are talking about the immediate sell-off that occurred when the job numbers are announced. Then they had a rash of politicians on, including Michelle Bachmann on telling me how this proves that Obama’s approach to the economy failed.
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