Far East Cynic

Finally done

I am finally done with my Six Sigma Course. Thanks be to God!

Word to the wise-if you decided to pursue a Black Belt course-be sure to allocate a decent amount of time and do not let your self get behind. No Lie!

But now it is done. Beer was on the menu tonight. Whoo Hoo!

  1. Hi Skippy,

    I’m looking at getting myself certified as well. How long will it take from absolute zero to black belt?

    btw congrats~

  2. The course was 16 weeks long. I think I would have done better in an actual classroo
    m setting. I had Lean training and Green Belt training several years ago-but I was very unprepared for the statistics part of the course. If you do not have a strong math background, make sure you have reviewed the formulas and the theory behind them.

    I still have to take the certification exam. Villanova recommends you do AT LEAST 150 hours prepartion and study before taking the exam.