How I spent my Saturday: Prowling the Holy City of Yerushalim! The Wailing Wall: And of course we spent a fair amount of time in the church of the Holy Sepuchre:
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Was on one side of the Atlantic in Washington DC. Now I am about as far away from there as you can get. Flight over here was pretty OK-save for the fact that the services on the airline sucked. Fortunately the flight was only about half full-so I had room
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For not posting more recently. Between moving into our house, and departing on a business trip-its been busy since last Wednesday. This trip has me covering both sides of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. This morning I woke up in sight of the Capitol of the US-tomorrow, I will be
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So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it. ~Harold Acton. Back in August of last year-I reminded Phib and others what a real douchebag Andrew Breitbart is and was. His “Big” blogs are nothing
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The ex-Russian carrier Varyag is all spiffed up , with no place to go. I find the tow line attached to the stern particularly interesting. And as the article points out she is making very little wake. When she can actually get underway and cross the 12 mile limit, then
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It would seem the Leute have gesphrochen: The people of Baden-Württemberg have spoken: In a referendum on Sunday voters backed state funding for the controversial €4.5-billion Stuttgart 21 rail project. 58% of voters voted in favor of the project-ensuring it would go forward. The opponents wasted no time updating their
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The S.O. and I went into Stuttgart tonight to visit the Weinachts Markt. It had only opened on the 23rd-so every thing was new and fresh-and with it being a Saturday night, it was more than a little crowded. It was made even more so because of the fact that
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The science project is holding together (for now)-and so we took it to go down to the local Weinachts Markts. Not as big as the ones in central Stuttgart-but more a homey feeling in them. We went back and forth to two, one in a town near where we will
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Well, every man needs a hobby right? Regrettably, I think I may have stumbled on to one I didn’t want, namely this (very) used 1998 BMW 750IL I bought. “Y0u fucked up! You trusted an Army Major” And now-as I am rapidly discovering, the BMW 7 series of the 90’s
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To understand the root causes of the Occupy Wall Street protests-or why, no matter how much pepper spray or billy clubs you use-the genie may not go quietly back into the bottle. That’s not to say that the OWS movement does not have its problems-and it seems clear to me
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