Far East Cynic

The week that was……

The science project is holding together (for now)-and so we took it to go down to the local Weinachts Markts. Not as big as the ones in central Stuttgart-but more a homey feeling in them. We went back and forth to two, one in a town near where we will be living. Made for a good dinner-Bratwurst mit Brotchen.

We move into our place next week-and hopefully “the good car” will be delivered by then. It is required to be delivered on Monday. So far I have heard nothing from the folks-except that the car arrived in Bremerhaven.

It better get here soon. I’ve got places to go-and people to see.

On the other hand, one of the saving graces of living here is not having to hear all the whining about the Supercommittee’s failure to do its job. All I have to is wait around for the layoff notices to come around.

Since yesterday was Thanksgiving-I thought I would post this little gem from Jimmy Kimmel, who put together this clip of a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with voice overs from the GOP debates:

  1. “When God had made Hell, He found it was not bad enough, so He created Iraq and added flies.”

    — Old Arab adage