Quick post here, between very contentious meetings, making the circuit of the bars in town and trying to use the remaining time before sleep to catch up on e-mail and phone calls to Japan. Saw Star Wars, and I stand by all my previous opinions. I give the movie and
Continue readingOut of sight for a bit….leaping across the pond
Last post for a couple of days as I head to Narita tomorrow to fly to the states for a bit. Business combined with seeing my parents will probably keep me in the low profile mode for a while especially if I am having to deal with a dial up
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Drinking beer, watching one of my favorite movie’s…The Paper. Taking it easy tonight, playing golf tomorrow. Feel like getting drunk, S.O. is nagging me.”??????????????????????” ( Don’t drink so much and clean up your mess!!) This is the point I retreat to the computer and write. It saves me trying to
Continue readingTo good to pass up.
Short post here…..swamped with that damn thing called work. However check out Gaijin Biker’s post about the new Japanese basketball league. Things could be looking up for Monica Lewinsky…… As Hustler Diaries points out, its gonna bring a whole new meaning to the term “scoring a goal“. Subscribe in a
Continue readingA new low….Skippy does a food post?!?!
There are times I really hate blogger. Twice recently, I have been in the middle of typing a post when all of a sudden half or more of it will simply vanish. That happened to me again tonight. I am beginning to understand why folks say to type them out
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I’ve been in a real down mood the last couple of days. Not sure why and it probably something I need to set down here in this forum, but I’m not quite ready do it just yet. There have been some very thoughtful articles and posts that I have been
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Warning Notice! What follows in this post is not politically correct and will offend any and all feminists and others who can’t see the forest for the trees….however it is how a lot of men feel. Or, phrased another way: Republicans in the US House of Representatives introduced an amendment
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A few months back I posted about the woeful state of U.S. Airlines and why I hate to fly on American carriers. This week United proved me right yet again. Time to move my allegiance to ANA, JAL and Singapore Airways. United’s management showed its true colors on Wednesday, when
Continue readingMore Friday Afternoon Buffoonery…….
Definition of Buffoon: 1. A clown; a jester: a court buffoon.2. A person given to clowning and joking.3. A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool.4. Skippy-san’s ex wife Speaking of my ex, Keiko-san moved on and just like my ex left destruction in her wake: Japundit has found a product
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Expat at Large, had post a while back that I have thought about everytime I have a conversation with S.O. about things Japanese. Taking aim at the ever popular Singaporean Mr. Miyagi, Expat at Large quotes: “But anyway, that afternoon, at the coffeeshop with me were two Ang Moh (Singapore
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