As predicted, by Madame Chiang for something like the 15th year in a row the Hajj has had a tragedy. Muslims are consistent…………which in this case is not necessarily a good thing. Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingAnd the hits just keep on coming!
Short post because I am tired and pissed off. After I left work yesterday at 8 PM!!!! ( Sorry, overtime is not in my agenda anymore…..), brain fried after looking over transport data and also the backgrounds of the useless idiots I am going out to kill train, I was
Continue readingThere is a line in the movie…..
Yes there is a line in every great movie that would apply to today: “Sometimes you can just smell a shitty day coming down the pike”-The Paper, Michael Keaton. “Well let me tell you guys, its a cold world out there and tomorrow we are all going back into it!”
Continue readingA suckful few days……..
Is suckful even a word? I read it in blog which described 2005 as a suckful kind of year. I agree , but for me 2006 is starting off on a “suckful” note. The S.O. was sick Saturday. As in sick as a dog sick. I was so concerned about
Continue readingI have to post this……
I came across this when I booted up my computer this evening. The shallow and unremitting reader will tell me that Michael Yon prints this thing all the time and I should be reading that. Well I have a news flash for all of you, I do. But there’s more
Continue readingPolitical correctness run amok…….
This would be funny if it were not true. What I especially love about it is that the women get to drive the train here instead of common sense and “the reasonable man” theory. Read here for the full and amazing story. The U.S. Naval Academy has ordered a court-martial
Continue readingTell me again Islam is a religion of peace….
Yea Riiighttt!!!! Madame Chiang shows us that just the opposite is true, even among an environment of “believers”: …it seems that each Hajj season there is something that will go drastically wrong and lives will be lost…this year is obviously not going to be the exception to the rule. Read
Continue readingSend it to the White House speech writers!
Came across this Letter to the Editor in Stars and Stripes today. Probably as good a summary about Iraq that I can find, and far better than what has been with the talking heads ( or some blogs…) lately: Personally, I hate this country. I hated it the first time
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From the Japan Times online: The United States agreed to transfer the suspect, William O. Reese, 21,after the Kanagawa Prefectural Police obtained a warrant for his arrest. According to police sources, Reese admitted to Japanese police Friday to killing Yoshie Sato, 56, on Tuesday. The sailor had been held at
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Lex pointed me to this latest item about John Murtha. : Appearing at a town meeting in Arlington, Virginia, with fellow Democratic Rep. James Moran, Murtha said, “A year ago, I said we can’t win this militarily, and I got all kinds of criticism.” Now, Murtha told the strongly antiwar
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